Chapter 3 - Day 2

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(Some art I made for this fic)

Gen's ankle check-up went by with minimal jerks from said man. He still couldn't really tell whether those bouts of strong pressure on his skin were to check for cracked bone, or if Senku was annoyed at Gen's taunts to handle him more gently.

"It probably isn't broken, but you should be extra careful and avoid too much pressure on the foot either way," Senku chided, but that reassured Gen more than anything else this past day. Still, he didn't say thank you as if he was above that. Or perhaps he was a bit salty that his charms seemed to fly over the scientist's head. Granted, they haven't spent that much time together, but still... Gen huffed bitterly at that thought. 'Well, now we will.'  He guessed he wasn't trying his best either, but given that Gen 'showered' in salt water, had horrendous eye bags and had Senku witness him wake up after a near-death experience... Yea, he could see how he wouldn't be the most appealing.

"You very well might break your delicate foot if you get it stuck in a hole or trip on a root," Senku said with a sarcastic lilt in his tone, looking away at the horizon in time to avoid Gen's theatrical eye-roll. Gen didn't humour him with an answer this time either.

Really though, all this tiredness was inconveniencing him more than he thought. He had to process things just a tad slower, and his body constantly reminded him of the pains and aches, distracting him on occasion. And sure, Gen knew how much power of the mind could help him displace his focus from the pain; meditation techniques to raise awareness and a serene state of mind; and use his performer mask to regulate his expressions and bodily reactions, perfected after many years of training and practice. But Gen almost died. He could catch a break. Though... Excuses or skill issues, Gen needed to step up his game.

He zoned right back in to catch the plan outline for the day and accepted wordlessly. He could try to weasel out of work. He might if he got tired later by nagging, complaining and fooling complete incompetence. Maybe he didn't care how the other perceived him, it was just one viewer anyway. Worst he could do was leave a hate comment exposing him under one of his videos. That is, if they came back alive. Now THAT was a thought Gen refused to linger on.

"Yes sir." Gen may or may not have to ask Senku to repeat his plan again later.

It was a bit weird how easily Gen was taking instructions from - anyone really. But they naturally fell into a rhythm of working in tandem. Senku had more knowledge and it seemed pretty credible. Gen, despite all his ironic jokes, would very much like to live. He didn't build his channel not to enjoy a lavish retirement. Though it would take more work to establish a passive income to truly live worry-free. For now, he should probably focus on staying alive.

Their breakfast was the remaining two bars, with Senku arguing that they should stack up the energy now rather than ration, so they could get some energy for scavenging and finding any food. Gen was surprised when we felt Senku nudge him, a water bottle in his hands with a sad amount swishing at the bottom.

"Is that suspicious water? What's its ratio of sand?"

Senku grinned and replied, "None. This is the condensation that the plastic bag collected overnight."

Huh. So that's what he was working on last night while Gen was sweating his ass off to tie stubborn pieces of wood together. The shallow hole with leaves at the bottom was probably a very scuffed water condenser. The leaves released carbon dioxide and the plastic bag covering the pit collected the condensation, the water dripping into the bottle at a sad, slow pace.

Gen stared inquisitively. It was barely enough for a sip. Did Senku even drink from it? When he asked, the blonde responded that he did, just enough to wet his mouth. He locked eyes with the other, looking for signs of pity or deception. But Senku sported a look of neutrality, so Gen decided to accept without qualms. Yesterday he was desperate enough to accept just about anything, but now he was becoming more wary. He still couldn't fully trust the guy not to turn out to be a cannibal, diluting his blood for drinking. Or some other scheme Senku could probably come up with his science tricks. Because he could, judging from the god-awful stench he made by himself. Plus, he was the one with the knife after all. He didn't look too athletic, but he could probably overpower Gen in his state,

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