The Servant Will Break Free...Until He Can't

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You won't find out what happened to Lockhart if you skip from first year to fifth year!

Do I have to spell you silent again? Thank you.

Now where was I?

Lucius Malfoy was a part of the school board and this year, it was his turn to teach the Defense class at Hogwarts.

The school board was on a rotation for teaching the class as well. Every seven years, a different member of the board would teach. This year, because it is Mr Malfoy Sr's turn, the Chamber of Secrets would open for the first time in fifty years.

He had been writing in the journal given to him by his master every so often for the last twelve years. And when he finally returns to Hogwarts to teach for the first time (he joined the board only recently—5 years or so) the soul piece of Tom Riddle or You-Know-Who would make himself known.

No one would know what was going on until Harry and Neville happened to over hear the man (who is slowly going insane) talking to himself about the Chamber. A couple of letters to their guardians and one conversation with McGonagall later had the Unspeakables from the Department of Mysteries raiding Professor Malfoy's office sometime in December during the holidays.

"Who's going to teach Defense now? He didn't even last a year this time." Harry had asked Minerva over Christmas dinner.

Minerva sighed in a way only the Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts could sigh in a situation like this. "I suppose I would have to reach out to a few friends in the ministry. Perhaps some of your auror friends would be interested in teaching for the rest of the year, Sirius?

Sirius scratched his beard in thought. "I have a few people who might be interested. Let me contact them and I'll let you know."

Kingsley Shacklebolt ended up teaching the remainder of Harry's second year.

Now third year is where things get a little...interesting.

Gilderoy Lockhart had been scheduled to teach as a guest teacher this year—two times every seven years, there was a guest teacher by some notable Defense Master in the world. It created a very rounded education on defense magic around the world since many Defense Masters travel extensively. They've even had Masters from other countries teach the class. Minerva is currently in charge of finding these Masters and unfortunately had to be the one to find out just what kind of a fake he was.

The one good thing about this was that it was discovered only one month into teaching that Defense Master Gilderoy Lockhart was a complete fake and an even worse teacher. They had time to bring in the known werewolf, Remus Lupin a year early.

Not two weeks later, there was a sighting of Pettigrew in Hogsmeade and the Minister (still Cornelius Fudge) decided it was wise to send the dementors to protect the school despite Minerva's terrifying refusal to let them on the grounds.

"She's downright scary sometimes," Neville said shakily. They had just gotten back to the common room after a legendary argument between the Minister of Magic and the Headmaster and Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts in the entry hall.

"Yeah, but did you see Headmaster Dumbledore?" Harry waved off the comment on Minerva's temper. He's seen that side of her too many times before when he was sneaking around in his earlier years. "I've never seen him so present before; he was raging! Imagine what he was like when he hadn't lost his marbles!"

Hermione's eyes were alight with excitement. "I could feel his magic and Professor McGonagall's fill the entire hall!" She sighed dreamily. "I want to be just like her someday."

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