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"She's so sweet, like she brought me those cinnamon buns from my favorite place yesterday," Ivis told Emea while sipping on a spiced latte. She smiled. Emea liked how her friend was so happy, Ivis usually was a hot-tempered girl who did what she wanted when she wanted, but in the best possible way. Ivis was talking about Briar. When they walked out of the school canteen they saw Briar walking towards them.

"Ivy, there you are, I have so much to tell you about that thing," she giggled.

"What thing?"

"You know, that THING, about that person," she whispered.

"Oh right!" She smiled. But then a gruff voice broke their happiness.

"Oh look, it's Cinderella and Poison Ivy," shouted Talus, with his python slithering around his neck. His broad shoulders made him seem all so important, while Emea knew he wasn't.

"Oh look it's teenie weenie," said Ivis as she held up her little finger, making a sad face at him. Briar chuckled. Talus glared.

"At least I'm not a lesbo," he said as he pointed at his cousin and Briar. Briar looked alarmed and even more so when Ivis grabbed her chin and pulled her into a kiss. There were a few gasps from bystanders, and Talus's face was the most shocked. Emea stood their clutching her drink, and then smiled.

Briar's face was hot pink and Ivis's was too. When Ivis grabbed Briar's hand, Briar dropped it and bolted, dropping her folder as she ran and did not pick it up.

Talus laughed and walked away getting pats on the back. Emea looked around and Ivis was gone too. She was about to walk to her next class when she heard an oof from behind her. Talus was lying on the floor and Sade was standing over him with a fist of blood. He looked scared but triumphant. He looked at Emea and then he looked ashamed of his actions. Emea saw Talus trying to get back up. She rushed over to Sade and grabbed his hand, the non bloody one, and tried to drag him away.

"Come on Sade, you have to go NOW, otherwise he will counter attack you," she told him, pleading. He let her drag him away. They got around a few corners and he collapsed on the floor.

"I can't believe I did that, that's not me, I'm not violent, I'm NOT my father," he said, starting to sob. Emea crouched down beside him and grabbed his shoulder giving it a squeeze. It was warm under her touch, his shoulders were broader than the ones of Talus, but they didn't make him look evil.

"We all make mistakes, the best thing you can do is dob yourself in, before someone else does," she smiled at him. He looked up at her and grinned.

"I've made a right fool of myself haven't I?" he said looking starry eyed into hers.

"Maybe, but it was cool of you, I dig it," she said, automatically regretting it. I dig it, gosh you're not a tradie Emea, pull yourself together girl.

"I'm glad, I dig this," as he pointed to a purple stain on her shoulder.

"Oh um, that was Talus, a small incident," Emea was flushed, she knew she was a joke now.

"No, no, it's good, it shows that not everyone in this place cares about being perfect 24/7," he said, smirking. Emea laughed and tucked her hair behind her ear. He grabbed her hand and she crumbled into his hold. She would never normally do this with any guy, but Sade was different, she felt comfortable with him.

"You are like my bestest friend here Mae," he said whilst running his fingers over her palm.

"Really?" she said, shellshocked.

"Yeah, I mean, Talus isn't the nicest person to be around, and half the time I cannot find Adam and Tonsley," he said as he edged his face closer to hers, making a pack of butterflies be unleashed into her stomach.

"Our group is pretty close now, we are still in the medward for now, so we all talk together, but we are not as close as you and I," Emma didn't realize how he had felt about her, she didn't even think he liked her much.

"I didn't know you liked me that much," she said.

"Emea I like you a lot, "he smiled, also turning a shade of pink.

Emea touched his cheek and slid her hand down his neck and chest, feeling the heat from within him made her feel safe. He grabbed her chin with his hand and she could smell the musk of his cologne as he lent in closer. It smelt like lemons, but manly lemons.

"I like you a lot too, a lot a lot," Emea whispered into his neck. She leant in as well. They kept edging into each other like they do in the movies, but this, this was real.

Emea had never been kissed. But the feeling she got when Sade kissed her was like no other feeling she had felt before.

His lips were rough against hers, like he had been biting them. She could feel his breath on her nose from his, and she had a warm feeling in her chest, like her heart was about to explode. Her heart beat so fast like it was a car driving down the highway. She wondered if he could taste the drink she had consumed earlier.

Emea had heard girls describing kisses before, that they had been rough, they had been kissed, not they were kissing. Tongues being shoved around their mouths and down their throats. But this was not how Emea felt. Theirs was passion, and at the end when Sade's tongue twiddled with hers and danced a forbidden dance, she craved it.

When they finally pulled away Emea looked up into Sade's eyes and smiled. He pulled her into his heated embrace and they stayed there for a long time. 

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