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TW: violence

I wake up in a panic thinking i woke up late check the time releasing its only 8:30 i get up and shower brush my teeth and put my hair up into a messy bun  on top of my head and i quickly throw on some gym clothes grab my bag and head down to reception to meet my sister.

"Wow your on time for once" She says "Wow surprise surprise now where are we meeting them" I reply "The performance center we are just gonna train in one of the rings" Cora says "Okay lead the way" I reply.

We arrive at the performance soon to be greeted by rhea and the rest of her crew "Hey guys" Rhea says before giving Cora a side hug i stood their awkwardly for a few seconds before she turned to me "Hey Brianna glad you could make it" Rhea says before she gives me a quick side hug too before walking back over to the ring and starts sparing with Dominik i glance over to see them going back and forth its more rhea teaching him some in ring tricks to win since their heels I've always wanted to be heel i just don't think i fit being a baby face sometimes the fans even boo me more then cheer me because we are twins we switch whose in the ring when the ref is distracted to pick up wins but they started to boo me when i did it and then one time after we switched my sister started arguing with me about it while we was walking up the rank people soon noticed and starting booing me and then after that we didn't talk for a few days which sucked but soon made up and after that i haven't done it since but i do feel like i could be more in WWE its just I'm being held back but im too afraid to tell my sister that because i would never want to hurt her feelings.

I felt someone shake my arm "Hey are you okay you zoned out for a few minutes?" Cora asks i yank my arm back "I'm fine i need to use to bathroom ill be 5 minutes" i reply as soon as i walk into the bathroom i throw my bag on the floor and look in the mirror to say I've finally had a decent amount of sleep i still look a mess i turn the cold tap on and throw some cold water on my face "Get it together Brianna" i dry my face off with a towel from my bag and head back into the gym.

I hear whispers but they soon stop as i make my way back over "Do u wanna have a match?" Cora asks "Sure" i reply i leave my bag by the ringside and step in with my sister before we hook up and the match starts rhea is the ref my sister goes for a roll up i kick out at 2 i send a kick to her stomach and then a dropkick pushing her into the corner sending more kicks to her stomach which rhea counts to 4 and then i grab my sister by the hair and hit her in the face with an uppercut i go to bounce off the ropes to hit her with a front dropkick but she counters with a clothes line and then drags me up for another one sending me down hard which causes a throb in my head "Watch the head" I hissed "Sorry" She replied i stand back up and she slaps me hard across the face again causing me to loose it i jump at her grabbing her hair and we begin to throw punches at each other until we get dragged apart i feel some muscular arms wrap around me i try to escape their grip but its to strong Rhea comes in between us "Okay what the hell is going on between you both the vibe has been off all day!" Rhea asks i yank out of the strong grip the person has on me "nothing" i hissed before i hop out the ring grab my bag and leave.

I make my own way back to the hotel i get an uber which didn't take long within 15 minutes i was back at the hotel i make my way through the lobby and up to the hotel room and open the door but before i can open it fully I'm pushed against the wall i yelp but before i can even call for help my phone is yanked out of my hand and large hand covers my mouth so i can't scream my sight finally focuses on the old man in front of me his breath stunk of alcohol "So whats this sluts name." he asks me i knew i needed to get out of this situation fast so i kick the man in between his legs grab my phone and bag off the floor but before i can make a run for it I'm punched in the face sending me to the ground when i finally get a glimpse of who punched me of course its the one and only Raquel Rodriguez.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Sorry for the ending i wanna spice things up a bit next chapter will be the tag team match long chapter alot in store i hope u enjoy this one also thank you so much for 100+ reads im so grateful.<3


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