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"Are you fucking kidding me?!" Joo exploded

"S-sir pl-please calm down-"

"So i just spent all of that money for nothing?!"

"N-no sir I appreciate it..I really do it's just..y-you didn't have to do all this for me..." Dan shuttered looking down afraid of what Joo would say, he instantly regretted his words.

"No. Way. there is absolutely no fucking way your being serious. I bought you a God damn car, got you a new phone, new clothes and nice new shoes, pay off your loan, your grandmas hospital bill and u don't want it?! and then you bitch and complain about me not being nice?!"

Dan froze, "wh- n-no sir really i appreciate everything and i'm incredibly gratful i swear! Thank you..! thank you for's just i'm not used to this kind of stuff-but i swear i- im very thankful..!" He protested, but the worried look in his face said otherwise.

Joo was absolutely pissed, "mhm. sure." he spat before storming off. "w-wait sir! are u- i'm sorry! i- i-..!". dan really didn't know what to say or how to comfort him, it's just..everytime the two got into an argument it was never an apology, never kisses or hugs or cuddles, it was just money. Joo always spiked dan and bought him nice new things whih he was incredibly gratful for it corse, but it's just..not really..what he craved.

All he ever wanted was Jaekyungs love and affection.

His eyes began to tear up a little and he tried to clench his jaw to hold back his tears but it must've been visible, joo ignored him and just went upstairs to his room to lay down.

Dan just decided to leave it and continued studying his kinesiology.

He studied for hours and it was almost 1am, he didn't feel like cleaning up all the papers and putting away Joos laptop he borrowed so he just left it for the morning, he headed back upstairs to go sleep expecting to see Joo asleep, but he was wide awake staring at the wall..

Dan slwoly stepped into the room carful not to trigger him, "J-jae..?" Jaekyung ignored him, his back facing the other way. Dan got closer and crawled into the bed, "Joo.."

"What." Joo spat annoyed. "I-i'm sorry..I didn't mean to make you upset..really i'm- i'm sorry.". He was expected Joo to just shake it off, but what happened next scared the life out of him.

Joo took a big deep breath and dan noticed his muscles clenching and his veins in his arms popping, dan flinched when he saw him clench a tight fist.

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