Chapter One

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I do not own One Direction, this story is copyrighted. It belongs to me, so please do not steal any part of this story or storyline.

Rated PG13 & sometimes R for violence, language, and extreme smut. Read at your own risk. xx


"Call each other faggots behind the keys of a message board. A word rooted in hate, yet our genre still ignores it, and gay is synonymous with the lesser."

-Same Love by Macklemore.


C h a p t e r O n e

"Louis?!" I heard my name echo throughout the large and empty house. I groaned to myself, Eleanor was home. The door opened, revealing El in a dark blue suit and matching heels. Her hair was in her signature waves, falling over her shoulders. She looked worn out. "Where is Jason?!" She spoke louder than needed, seeing as I was sat no more than 7 feet away from her.

"He's on a play date with the kid across the street." I answered calmly.

She straightened her posture and tilted her nose up, "Oh, we'll that's good." She answered, unsure of what to say. "Well, I'm going to make dinner an pick up Jason. You need to run up to the store for some more toilet paper and laundry detergent, then start a load of laundry..." She began to ramble.

Typical El, always hurrying, planning, and making sure everything is "perfect". Or at least, from the outside looking in. I don't think our life has been perfect, well, ever.

When El and I had first begun dating, it was great. We would laugh with each other, take walks in the park, and good off together. Just before Jason was born, I started to realize how much we had changed.

Eleanor became the controlling wife, and I became trapped. Trapped inside my mind, since that seemed nowadays the only place I was myself. I love El, believe me, I do. I just don't think we're ourselves anymore. I think we're holding each other back.


"Dadda!" I heard a small voice calling me. Turning around, I was greeted with my 3 year old son, hurrying towards me with his outstretched arms. I wrapped my arms around him and picked him up.

"How was your play date, Jay?" I questioned.

He grinned, "Lots of fun daddy, I really like Matt." Jay looked down shyly.

"You do? So you'd like to play with him again?" I set Jason down, watching as his eyes lit up.

"Yes!" He answered excitedly. I smiled down at him, ruffling his dark brown hair. I heard a cough from behind me. Turning around, I saw Eleanor staring at the two of us.

"Jason, it's time for you to take a bath." She instructed, nodding towards the bathroom. He nodded and made his way in that direction.

Now, it was only El and I standing in the hallway. She was leaning on the doorway of the kitchen, arms crossed as she stared me down.

"What is it El?" I asked, thoroughly annoyed.

"I think Jason is gay." She spat, grimacing as if the words she had just spoke were poisonous.

"What's wrong with that?" I pushed.

"What do you mean, 'what's wrong with that'!? I read online that the sooner you notice it, the easier it is to prevent." She explained like I was stupid for not realizing this.

"El, it's not a sickness! You can't 'cure' or 'prevent' it. So what if Jason happens to be gay? What's the problem?"

El sighed, rubbing her temple's."Louis, I don't have time for this right now. I won't do anything yet, but I'm going to start going to church and bringing Jason with me. You're free to join as well. All I know is I'm going to show him what is right, and it's not being gay." She huffed, turning on her heels and making her way to our room.

Unable to move, I stood there with my mouth open at my wife's hateful speech. There was always a new side of El, another part of her that I have yet to discover. Suddenly she's homophobic? I guess I really don't know her anymore.


Should I continue? I hope it doesn't suck.. Also, I'm really sorry I made Eleanor such a bitch! I feel bad about that part.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2013 ⏰

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