Chapter 1 - The world beyond our Ideals

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May 17, 18XX

"CAPTAIN! WE NEED MORE HEALERS!" a knight shouted. "We stand our ground! The Heroes are coming!" their captain replied. Boom. Boom. consecutive explosions interrupted the two knights.

"When exactly are they coming?" another knight shouted. The bombing continues. Boom "Ten minutes!!" their captain replied.

"That's too long... gets shot*t! We won't be able to make it! Our knights are suffering a tremendous amount of injuries and casualties, soldiers retreating to the trenches are shot by these so-called 'machine guns, mortars, and aircraft'!! Is there any hope for our men against these barbarians?!" The soldier replied.

*BOOM!!!! * A much bigger explosion then blasted through the battlefield. Silence flooded the trenches as to what happened. "Commander is that one of our bombs?" a soldier asked. "I have served this country for more than a decade and I have never seen this kind of destructive power my entire life."

A silhouette then formed in the smoke and spoke; "Let's get these magic-less peasants." The man then lunged toward the enemy lines, and absolutely everything in his way was destroyed, then a bomb was dropped above the man and with no sweat single-handedly repelled it. He demolished the vanguard of the Svalin Empire with ease. "The heroes have arrived!!" A knight shouted.

"Worry not, for us, the heroes of the Great Alliance, together with the Princess of!! Clash!! (The hero was then interrupted by a mysterious man!!!) Clash!! The two men then fought against each other. "Think you can escape me with your cheat skills, Harold!! Think again!!" shouted the mysterious man.

"Run!!!!!!!!!" a soldier shouted. Leuther knights and the Svalin soldiers retreated to their bases watching a battle never seen before, lightning ravaging throughout the field and blazing hot flames that covered the clouds, with neither side holding back.

"I already told you, Daniel! You can't beat me with your barbaric style of fighting!!" Harold replied. Harold carefully took a step back and prepared a new spell so quickly, that not even the most renowned mages could compare to what he had created.

"[Spell Master] Volcanic Blaze!!" shouted Harold. The blazing hot flames rapidly shot out from Harold's hand and went directly straight to Daniel.

Daniel then responded to Harold's attack with his own, "[Soul: Release] Arsenal, Bullet Rush!!" A ghastly humanoid figure rushed out of Daniel's body and in quick succession rapidly threw a barrage of punches at Harold's spell and sent it into oblivion.

"Impossible?! Only the Heroes are allowed to have a Warrior's Soul! How can 'you' receive such a valued blessing of the Goddess?!" Harold impeded.

"Blessing?" Daniel replied and laughed menacingly while slowly walking towards his opponent. "Your Goddess didn't even treasure the best Hero in your country!" He added.

"Sh-she cherished Him and all of us equally!" Harold stuttered. "To put it simply." Daniel pauses for a moment and piercingly looks at Harold's eyes and shouts, "You're saying that all of you posers are on par with the one who killed the Demon Lord Demiliev, the very Demon that wreaked havoc throughout the Navi Continent!"

That statement shook Harold, and he was ashamed by the hard truth, but suddenly he fell to the ground and was basked with a golden ray of light. "That mortalf*cking bastard!" Daniel is extremely annoyed with another intervention of the Goddess. And with that, Harold was gone and so was Daniel.

The moment Daniel and Harold were gone, Svalin soldiers were attaching bayonets to their rifles trying to end the opposing army. A woman with mithril armor stood in front of them and delivered a message.

"Soldiers of the Sovereign Svalin Republic, this land may be your homeland but it shouldn't mean it will also be the graves of your people, please consider a temporary truce as it is the only option both armies can choose, please look at yours and our soldiers can they take any more of this chaos?"

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