Twice is Drunk - Part 2

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(WARNING: This story includes some mature contents)

[X: XX PM]

Hahahahahahaha! Jeongyeon is so funny! No, everyone is so funny tonight. Yeah, Jeongyeon becomes funny is kinda impossible. Ugh, why is Sana's arm on my shoulders? "Take it away from me, girl!"

"Aaaaanggg~ Whyyyyy?" She answers.

"I don't knooooow. I'm tired of you!"

"Haha pabo drunk Haeju!" She hits my head softly. Maybe not softly, I just cannot feel anything right now. It's just so funny to see Momo standing on the sofa with Nayeon. The music is so loud gosh... They are all crazy!

Damn it's getting dark! Ohh... It seems like they are talking about dirty stuffs now. Haha yeah, that actor is so handsome. I agree so much! I hope he lives in the dorm with us now, oh my goooosh that would be awesome haha! It's good that Dahyun and Chaeyoung have fainted now. They are too young to understand what the unnies are talking haha! Ow ow, why is Nayeon telling Jihyo to strip? Ahh... it's just her shoulders. Laaaaaame! Ah yeah girl, now it's great! Oho, the others follow..... Hahahaha they all look so y from here. So dumb! Wait wait, Nayeon..... Hoooo~ Keep it, girl! Ahaha... Now why are they all checking me secretly, each of them?

Momo is approaching. Oohh.... What is she gonna do? Sana straights her back, giving the sign for her to stay away. I'm glad she is protecting me. If she's not here, probably Momo has eaten me down haha! By the way, since when Sana sitting beside me? Time goes so fast indeed....!

"Ju~? Ju~?" Sana calls my name every 2 seconds. Staring at her face makes me feel abnormal. I'm fine but the spot on her lips makes me visualize how it fits in my mouth. Showing off each other legs is fine but imagine if she climbs me. Those big strong legs.... Or if I'm on her. Actually, I am! Only my face tho, looking at that mouth making a shape to kiss me. Smelly, yes. Should those lips touch mine? I get back to my spot, try to make everything less sensual because Sana is a friend. Just friend. Best. Forever.

"Juuu~?" No need to wait too long, she is already on my body. Her waist is pressing me. Gosh, she is so ugly from down here! But her lips are really tempting. Red... Plump.... I'm touching it with my finger haha! She smiles. Blushing. Then she closes her eyes and shapes her lips. This is it. Yeaahhhh..... Come to me~

"STOP IT!" Sana's body is pulled away from me. It's Tzuyu! She is trying to save my life hohoho...

"What are you doing, cutie? Jelly??" I ask her. She is so tall. Maybe because she is standing and I'm sitting on the sofa. Duh, of course she is tall. What am I talking about?

"You are too drunk, Unnie, let's get out of here!" She picks me up.

"I'm not druuuuunk~" I say while poking her soft cheek. Maybe I should kiss it.

"Tzuyu, where are you going? Don't bring her away!!!" Jeongyeon yells at her. She obeys it and just moves me to sit near Chaeng and Dubu instead.

(to be continued)

Twice's 10th Member HaejuWhere stories live. Discover now