Chapter Two ㅡ I Feel Something For You.

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"God, stop staring, hyung! You're way too obvious!"

Jisung exclaims to Minho. Hyunjin sighs in disbelief. "It's honestly cringe how a person like you could be so in love. " He adds.

Minho bit his lips, trying to control the width of his smile upon gazing at the younger through his phone, who hung his head low, his lips formed in a small pout.

"How can I, Jisung? He's so cute..." He tells them. The younger two looked at each other and shook their heads.

"Then tell him, you idiot! Stop being a damn coward by hurting his feelings!"

Jisung scolds the older one, but Minho shakes his head. "How can I, dude? He's the Kim Seungmin. Do you think Seungmin will even like me back? Please, that's so absurd. "

Hyunjin rubbed his temple in annoyance, growing tired of the lovesick boy in front of him. "Jisung, I can't with him anymore. Please do the honours. " He said, and Jisung laughed, nodding his head. "Aye, Aye, captain!" He then turned towards Minho and offered him his hand.

Minho looked at him, frowning. "What?"

Jisung gave him a poker face. "Give me your hand, hyung! I'll teach you how to propose to him!"

"What the fuck, I don't want toㅡ"

Jisung had enough of the latter and he forcefully took Minho's hand into his, interlocking their fingers tightly. "Now, lean your head onto mine. " He stated.

Minho shook his head in disappointment. "What the fuck is wrong with you guys! The live is literally on. What if stays hear all this!?"

The younger one sighed in disappointment. "Do you love Seungmin or not?" He questioned an easy question, so of course, the older agreed.

"I do!"

"Then let me show you how it's done. "

Jisung shoved Minho's head on top of his own and took a deep breath. Hyunjin laughed, clapping his hands stridently as the show in front of him got more interesting.

"First, you have to get in this position. " Jisung said, and Minho uncomfortably shifted around.

"Uhh, is this necessary? I can justㅡ"

"Yes, it is. So shut up and let me continue. " Jisung cut him off, proceeding with his 'lecture'

"Seungmin is the kind of guy who's into those cliché romance stuff. So you better give him chocolates or something to make his heart flutter. "

"Flutter? What is that? Also, why chocolatesㅡ"

"Moving on, we have the confession time!" He exclaimed and giggled at Hyunjin.

"Yo, the confession must be cute as fuck. Seriously. Make Seungmin head over heels for you! If you don't, I will!" He said, and Hyunjin frantically nodded.

"Yeah, hyung! If you don't get him, Han will!" Hyunjin stated, earning a nod from the squirrel-like boy. Minho looked at them, disgusted and shoved away his hand, turning his attention back to his phone.

"Please, I'd rather suck a dick than do any of those. He'll be mine soon anyways. " He stated, shaking his head at the thought of confessing the way these idiots taught him.

What if he ends up getting slapped? By Seungmin.

What if Seungmin yells, "I hate you!" To his face?

What if Seungmin never looks at his face anymore?

What if Seungmin stops calling him 'Lee Know hyung' ?

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