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[Quick Transmigration] Let the villain have a successor!
set up
turn off the lights

Chapter 32 The Walking Primary School-Student-Silver Ash 6

    Seeing Qin Jiu's disbelief, Shi Mu was helpless.

    He didn’t lie, the reason why he didn’t get drunk when he drank foreign wine was because the alcohol he drank was low in alcohol, this is baijiu…

    and he didn’t know the reason, in his first life, he could hold on with other wines, but he took a sip of this wine He will get drunk, and when he is drunk, he will go crazy, and his bad friends even recorded his drunk appearance, so that he can watch it when he is sober, it is a shame! !

    The gin seemed to have convinced him that he dared not drink it.

    Come on, you asked for it.

    Shi Mu also became rebellious, since you don't believe me, I'll show you.

    Ton ton ton—

    "cough cough—puff—"

    "It's so spicy!" Shi Mu's tears instantly rolled up, and he wrinkled his delicate face. I haven't drank Erguotou in two lifetimes, and I forgot its pungent taste for a while, so Shi Mu suffered.

    Adding to the fact that he drank too quickly, the wine hit his head immediately, and Shi Mu, who could last for half an hour, tilted his head in less than two minutes and fell on the back seat of the car.

    Gin: "...you idiot, drank so fast."

    Vodka was amazed: "He actually drank this kind of wine!! Does he need to be sent to the hospital?"

    Gin frowned, but then thought that the young man only drank After taking a few sips, and even smelling such a strong medicine, it was all right, and he could fight back, so he let go of his frowning brows.

    "Don't worry about him, just let him be quiet along the way." Gin Jiu turned around, the hem of the black windbreaker drew a sharp arc in the air, chattering with vodka

    and making a noise to death.

    Vodka felt a little cold, shrunk his neck and wanted to go back to his seat, but looking at the young man lying in the back seat, half of his waist was exposed, and he looked even fairer against the black clothes.

    Yu Xin couldn't bear it and said, "Boss, do you want to cover him with a layer of clothes?"

    Eh, wait?

    Vodka said strangely: "There seems to be a bruise on Shi Mu's waist, boss, did you train with him yesterday?"

    Gin Jiu glanced at him coldly.

    Vodka: "..."

    I always feel that shutting up is the best choice at this time.

    Gin looked at the ignorant young man from the rearview mirror, clicked his tongue impatiently, took off his windbreaker, and covered the young man's body, but he didn't know if it was intentional, not only covering the young man's body, but also The head is also covered, leaving only a little gap for the young man to breathe.

    Vodka was very moved: The boss is really a good boss who cares about his subordinates!

    "Ahhh! I'm going to be crushed to death qaq!" Just the second they thought nothing was going on, the young man who was lying motionless suddenly "yelled".

    Gin vodka Qiqi turned his head and looked behind.

    For some reason, they had a bad feeling.

[Quick Transmigration] Let the villain have a successor!Where stories live. Discover now