chapter seven: cinco de mayo

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May 5th,

Nova stood happily in front of the mirror and stared at her reflection. She was in a good mood and really looking forward to today.

Especially since she's going to see Javi again. Because actually, she'd like to see him every day, but she didn't want to annoy him and that's why they still only talked on holidays.

A few days ago she had received a text from Lisa, Javi's friend. She had apologized and invited them to her party to make up for it.

Apparently, Lisa and her wife - or ex-wife, Nova isn't really sure about that - own a restaurant where they throw a big party for Cinco de Mayo every year.

And when the doorbell rang, she stared at the clock in confusion. Shit, she's late.

Nova walked over to the door and pushed the button, "Javi?"

"Yeah, you told me to pick you up at 7" she heard his voice.

"Im so sorry, I'm late. I need a little more time, but if you want you can come up. I'll hurry up, I promise" she replied and pressed the button to open the front door on the ground floor.

A few moments later she heard a knock and opened the door for him. Javi smiled at her and immediately pulled her into his arms, "I missed you," he murmured.

"I missed you too" she replied with blushed cheeks.

After breaking away from each other, they stood briefly awkward in front of each other.

"Well, uh, I'll show you my apartment" she then mumbled.

He closed the door behind him and followed her into the living room. Nova's apartment was quite small, but still comfortable. It contained of a living room, kitchen, bathroom and bedroom.

"You can take a look around if you like, I still have to change quickly and put on some make-up," she told him, as she was only standing in front of him in her bathrobe.

"Oh it's okay, I'll wait here," he said, pointing to the couch.

"Okay sure, it won't take too long"

When she had put on her underwear and had finished her make-up 10 minutes later, she left her room again. Nova had accidentally smeared eyeliner on her hand and wanted to wash it off before she finished dressing.

And since she didn't see Javi in the living room, she assumed he was in the bathroom and decided to run to the kitchen to wash her hands quickly.

But in the kitchen she stopped abruptly in front of Javier. Hearing her, he turned around surprised while he was filling a glass with water.

"Fuck, I thought you were in the bathroom" she said when she realized that she was standing in front of him in her underwear. In her black lace lingerie, to be exact.

He tried his best not to stare, but it was damn hard. Nova is always beautiful, but seeing her like that didn't make it easy for him to just be friends.

Out of respect, however, he turned away and stared at the kitchen counter, "You're doing that on purpose?" he asked.

"What? No, I swear I thought you were in the bathroom, I just wanted to wash my hands before I get my clothes dirty" she replied with a red face and left the kitchen quickly.

He let out a chuckle and saw how she left the kitchen in a hurry. And then her saw her ass in that tiny black underwear, which made him sigh. Fuck, he will risk it and make the first move today. He has to try to find out, right? But after all, he was kinda sure that she likes him too.

𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐈𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄 (javier peña) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now