Justin Case

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This chapter introduces Avien Herishi's past life as a detective named Justin Case.

Justin had been off work for a while, for he had fallen ill. But now, it is time to come back to business. While he had been out of office, the agency gave other people the task of interviewing certain people. Though, they did not measure up to the expectation that Justin held for them. So, he went searching for them and asked around. 

"That is what I have done, Sir Case.", he heard this phrase for the thirteenth time this day already, but this version seemed...off. As if his fellow interviewer had lied. "Are you certain you did not leave anything out?" Justin asked, unconvinced. "Yes. Now leave and do your own tasks now." The suspect exclaimed with an aggravated tone. Justin rolled his eyes while continuing onward to ask the next people how they have finished his tasks in his absence. 

After all that he returned to his table, having brought himself some coffee from the workplace's kitchen. He chugged half the cup before sitting down to work on his next article to write, waiting for an interesting case to show up. He listened through the interviews that his colleagues held for him but one of them sounded incomplete. As if someone had toyed around with the file, or flat out just left out key questions that one should've improvised during the interview. Unsurprisingly, Justin already figured out who send the file with no second thought. 

"What's this about, Jack?", Justin went all the way from his office table near the exit door to the ones in the middle row. "I don't remember us being on first name basis. And I don't know what you're talking about, I asked every question the company wanted me to." Jack Cooper replied in annoyance, but Justin didn't take it. "You forgot to improvise. And the file is incomplete as is." Justin now had a slight irritation in his eyes, but his face was still neutral. "So what? I did my job, go bug someone else. I have more important task at hand ." Justin gave in, "Alright, good luck.", with a slight irritation in his tone, of course. Why is he so unreasonably annoyed? Does he perhaps feel guilt and tries to hide it? Possibly, he could also just be having a bad day, but I am not inclined to believe that. And with those thoughts, Justin gave himself a case to work with when done early. 

Hours passed of Mr. Case having replayed and analysed the audio file to their utmost detail to ensure every detail of the case being touched on. Leaving out any detail could leave the case be unfinished, so he tries his best to make this easy for the police to finish. It was time to clock out of work, but Justin wanted to work on his own case at home, so he secretly grabbed the stick with the odd file on it to bring it to his house, praying that nobody would notice him doing so. Everyone here is busy with their own tasks, they wouldn't have the time to glance over to me, correct? But if my theory is true, then maybe he...

 Going outside of the building, Justin followed Jack for a short while. He wouldn't want himself to seem suspicious, but curiosity leads one in certain directions. As of now, they both were at the underground train station. "I didn't know you also used this line." Jack exclaimed. "Ahh, yeah. I have been trying out different routes to work recently." Justin stated, which wasn't a complete lie. He did use different routes to and from work. But that wasn't the main thing, what's more concerning is how he now must carefully converse. "I apologize for my rudeness at work. Work's just really stressful, you know?", he tried to play it casual, but the other man just replied: "Whatever.", with a huff. As the train arrived, they both entered it. 

Though to not seem like he was purposefully following the fellow detective, he sat elsewhere, looking out the window, waiting to know from which station Jack exits. Surprisingly, his wait was cut short after three stations. But this area is known for strategized crime... not to the public of course, but still. He should've gotten a few cases that occurred here at work and figured that out. Why would someone wish to live in this area? Justin's heartbeat rose up as Jack looked at the window he was watching from, but the windows were slightly tinted, so maybe he didn't figure out he was watching him. Mr Case sighed from relief when he remembered. Phew, thank our gods that the train windows are tinted. Now, how to get home... 

Half an hour later Justin came home, completely exhausted from all the thinking he had to do and reroute replanning. He scraped his shoes on his house mat before opening his doors just to take his shoes off in his entrance hall. As the door clicked closed, he turned the lights on. "Time to eat dinner." He said to no one because he lived alone. But hey, talking to yourself is said to keep oneself away from insanity, so why not. He got to warming up some mac'n'cheese, since he hadn't made it in a while. And its quick and easy to do, so he can get to his own case quicker. The sizzling of the cheese made Justin's stomach rumble, the warm pot being his plate since its less to clean. Finish this, boot up my laptop, sleep. A simple life. He thought to himself while he finished up the cooking and put a few spices on the food before turning off the stove. As he let the food cool down, he booted up his laptop and created a new document file to note down all his findings.

"XX/XX/XXXX, Monday. Justin Case returned to work after being sick for a week.

Suspect of case: Jack Cooper
Suspected crime: Assistance in crime

Reasoning: As I returned to work to continue my tasks, I noticed that Jack Coopers tone with me was aggravated, as if he was hiding something. I confronted him about his interview file being incomplete and potentially being purposefully lacking and he brushed it off annoyed. On the same day, he also exited the train in station XXXXXX, which is prominently known for planned crime. He worked here for longer than I, but one can suspect him of having been threatened by criminals or a change in his life happening that made him choose to do this. For now, I need to collect more data."

And with that, the file was done for now. "I FORGOT THE MAC'N'CHEESE" he said in a panicked tone before being relieved, as he typed this down quick enough for the food to be just the right temperature. He enjoyed the meal while looking at the document to think of things to add. *Perhaps only using relevant keywords and quick sentences?*

" Suspect spoke aggravatedly at work, usually would've been calmer/nicer. His interview task had failed to meet expectations (by being incomplete and partially inaudible). Exited train station from an area known for planned crime (XXXXXX).

Possible reasoning for commitment of the crime: Threatened by criminals? Mayor life changes?"

Justin sighed, It is too late and I am not in workmode, I will continue this tomorrow. He saved the file, closed it and thenturned his laptop off. The TV had been on for quite a while, for backgroundnoise and to generally catch possible news he did not know of before. He puthis laptop in place and the empty pot in the sink with some water to soften upthe now dried cheese. He went to the bathroom to take a dookie and brush histeeth, while faintly hearing from the TV news channel: "A new crime had occurredin XXXXXX. Thieves invaded the local band. Luckily there were just enoughpolice officers around to catch three of the suspects. Further investigationwill be waited for." And with that, the TV was zipped shut. It was time forbed, to peacefully sleep. Resting one last time, before everything changes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2023 ⏰

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