Pool party

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"I'll @ you so you can repost it." Amilia says

It's Friday and their beach house is full to the brim the music blearing inside and people swimming outside in the large pool. Their second house which I call a beach house is usually empty do to it being far from the city life it's a get away place and it's one of my favorite places to hang out in.

"Okay." I smile

Since that phone call on Monday Nicoli had kept true to his word sending my rules and regulations as if I was a robot to program them into my daily routine. I really miss when her only send me happy birthday emails and ignore my entire existence. This new Nicoli is pissing me off. He had also told me my instagram pictures of me hugging Lorenzo were to be taken down I of course didn't listen because what the hell.
He also said and I kid you not " Dress more modestly" as if I'm out here in stripper clothes. No my not modest clothes were shirts and a T-shirt he was something else I swear to god.

I open my phone ignoring the numerous dms from guys at my school gushing over my new post. I don't think mister modest police will enjoy the pictures but that surges him right. He should be lucky I put jeans on for the picture. It's not even that bad just me in my bikini with Lorenzo and Amilia and Ronan smiling at the camera. Ever since the party last Sunday me and Ronan had become a little bit closer he's a fun guy. I open me and Amelia's chats and click to repost it then close my phone.

I hadn't really lost weight at least I don't think that much it's only been a week. I do these cleanse not because I have and ED or hate my body no it's because I love control and this gives me a challenge to follow. Something to keep me on my toes so every now and then I'd change up my life whether it be a diet or workout plan or really anything.

I check the time it was 1 am I'd been at there house well before the party had even started. I was on a roll 2 parties in under 6 days my new record my only record actually. Rio hadn't been able to make it saying his cousin has needed him for important business and that he was so sad to miss seeing me in a bikini. That little fucker was funny. We were friends and we weren't even each others type he just likes to joke with me. He had his eyes on a certain blondie blue eyed Amilia.

I had texted Enzo to come pick me up 30 minutes ago since I didn't want to ruin Lorenzo's night he was gonna spend the night here since it was his families house. It's a bit far from my house that's why I had texted Enzo from advanced. Just on time Enzo calls and says he out front. I grab my tote bag and high Amilia and Lorenzo goodbye waving by to Ronan who's currently get not so secretly sucked off on the couch.

My shirt and shorts had gotten socked when Lorenzo pushed me into the pull earlier so I grabbed the jeans I had packed for just incase. I folded the wet clothes and places them in my bag leaving me in my bikini top and the jeans. Not really scandals. Nicoli would disagree im sure but thank god he's not here.

Enzo gives me a once over silently laughing at my state I was tanning since the early morning till get started to get dark so my tan has progressed to a golden olive color and my cheeks must be pink from the sun too. My hair is still soaking wet clinging to my bare shoulders and neck.

The car ride is silent except for the clicks on my phone as I reply to some of my dms.

Rio saying and I quote " god damn I think I'm blinded by your beauty"

He's so fucking corny it makes me laugh every time I like his message and say " good stay blind"

He goes into a random about how I'm breaking his heart and how is love is unrequited and one sided.

I'm about to tell him so stfu and suck it when the car comes to a stop at my house I thank Enzo still on my phone typing away when I notice the same fucking black car from last Sunday. Why is he here of why is my luck so fucking shitty. He only ever comes when I'm in these types of situations unlike last time I don't have Lorenzo to save the day with his hoodie and have to walk through the door with what I already have one.

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