Most Masters Are Not

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"Girl!" Master roars.

  I quietly enter the large cavern, my head bowed. I know better than to meet eyes with Master.

"How many have been taken today?" He growls.

"None, Master."


   "Yes, Master."

"How many attempts were made?"

  "Three, Master." Three of the same brigade, in fact. They believed that if they were to fight Master individually, they could weaken him enough to escape. Cocky fools.

He scoffs as he remembers those five. "Idiots, the lot of them. But perhaps they'll do a better job tomorrow."

  "Yes, Master."

"And how many of the brats are still here?"

   "Two, Master."

"Not including you, Girl."

   Heart sinking, I fix my answer- grateful, at least, that I was simply reprimanded rather than burned. "One, Master."

"Then you should have plenty of time to go catch my dinner."

   "Yes, Master."

"Three deer before midnight, or I'll eat you instead."

   "Yes, Master." But the threat wasn't needed. I haven't  failed my master in years. After checking in on my last 'roommate', I don my quiver, string my bow, and step out of the cave.

  Night had fallen an hour ago, but I have no trouble navigating the familiar terrain in the darkness. I've never had any trouble.

  For as long as I can remember, this has been my life. Care for the princesses, help the knights or princes or whoever had come to rescue the poor dears, then care for Master. Every day was different, yet so alike it's mind numbing.

From what the princesses tell me, a good life is meant to be much different from this. They tell me stories of grand castles (whatever those are) and extravagant parties (they've tried to throw a few, but Master always stops them before it 'gets good'). I've never understood the point of it all, though. My life may not be a 'good' life, but I don't starve, at least.

    Master is always telling me of people who are starving or freezing to death because of people like the princesses, who only care about themselves.

Not all the princesses have been like that, though. There have been quite a few kind ones. I missed them when they left, but I can't deny that I'm happy for them when their brother or boyfriend save them from my Master.

   I may be content here, but someday I will kill my Master and leave.

  Oh, perhaps you were fooled by my act earlier? You believe me to be terrified of my Master? Or maybe you think that just because I don't understand why a person would want a room the size of our cave all to themselves I don't long for a better life?

   Unlike my Master's prisoners, I do not desire 'good' to survive. Only better.

And for me better will happen once Master is dead.

    You see, my Master is a cunning creature. He has lived his long life longing for someone to match or surpass his intellect, and has been disappointed as of yet. His stealing the princesses is naught more than a game to him. He does not wish to eat them, or to claim their land. He's only waiting for a knight or a prince to beat him in a way he does not expect.

   My Master has set rules to this game- rules that have decided the fates of many men.

If a man enters Master's cavern while Master is clearly awake, the man will perish.

If a man decides to wait until Master is asleep to enter, the man may live.

If a man waits until Master is away to enter, the man may live.

If Master returns before the rescue is complete, the man will perish.

If a man decides to wake Master while he appears to sleep, the man will perish.

If a man decides to go quietly as to not wake Master, the man will live.

If a man makes enough noise to wake the Master, the man will perish.

If a man manages to keep both himself and the princess quiet during the escape, the man will live.

Master will not kill the princesses, but he will not hesitate to kill her rescuer in front of her.

Master will only only take one princess per kingdom, and he will never target the same kingdom twice.

The rescuer may only take one princess at a time. If he tries to take more, he will be hunted, and the princess reclaimed by the Master.

However, if a man is to make separate trips to rescue the princesses, he may live.

And if a man is to try and take his servant, the man will die.

    Many have been foolish enough to believe they could beat the Master in a fight, but I have no such beliefs.

However, as clever as my Master is when it comes to evading castle guards and knights, he still underestimates humans.

  Especially one who has been raised to fear him.

I am not obedient, though. I bring my arrows to one of my scattered workshops and get to work.

    Believe it or not, some princesses have a surprisingly vicious knowledge of toxic plants. Or the others found it surprising, at least. And if it weren't for such ladies, I might be preparing myself to live with my master until one of us eventually died.

I suppose that is still the plan...

Anyhow, I pull out the mix and dip a few of my arrows into it.

I have to keep my stash scattered, or the smell might get too strong. As far as I know, he doesn't know about the poisons at all.

   After a minute or so of dipping, I place the poisoned arrows in a separate quiver I have placed here as well.

Master's sense of smell may be fading, but that's not a chance I can take.

  Lightly, I make my way through the forest to complete my task.

It doesn't feel like I'm out very long before I'm done, but it's almost sunrise by the time I switch my quivers and return to the cave with my kill.

   Something makes me pause before I enter, though.

A presence. It's almost familiar.

  It almost reminds me of my Master. Something inhuman. Something beastly.

There couldn't be two of them, right? There couldn't be.  Master isn't planning to give me away, is he? I'm not sure if this plan will work on someone else. Damn it, what do I do?

    But the feeling disappears, and (after a few more minutes of waiting) I walk in and give my Master his dinner, being careful to once more keep my gaze down as he takes it with his claw.

Yes... the princesses tell me that my Master isn't like other masters. Because most Masters are not a dragon.

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