Chapter 13: Unwanted Reunion(Scarlett)

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"I'm a fool for you," Wayne whispered breathlessly.

Scarlett's eyes widened as he leaned closer as if he might kiss her, but he held back.

"I can't..."

She bit her lip, shocked by her disappointment.

Did she want him to kiss her?

His hair fell into his eyes and she resisted the urge to brush it away.

"Goodnight, Wayne," She smiled,  stepping back a step.

"See ya' in the mornin', darling." He whispered sweetly, then grabbed her hand. "You sure you don't need me to walk you home, it's pretty late?"

Scarlett shook her head. "No, but thanks for offering. Lisette should be just around the corner."

It was a lie, she knew Lisette had to be home by now, but, she didn't want to bother him any longer.

He closed the door as she rounded the corner by the post office. She approached the stairs and a wave of drowsiness hit her.

Before she could tumble down the flight of stairs a firm hand reached out and steadied her.

"Wayne...?" She murmured glancing up expecting to see the handsome blond, but it wasn't.

"Unfortunately, no." The mysterious man chuckled, helping her to sit on the top stair.

His face was half obscured by the darkness of the night, yet she could just make out his broad shoulderers and the sharpness of his jawline.

Something about him made her feel oddly drawn to him despite not knowing who he was.

"A pretty lady such as yourself shouldn't be walking alone at night, it's dangerous." He told her in a stern tone.

"It's hardly dangerous," She murmured under her breath, cheeks burning.

"I could beg to differ." The man replied.

She didn't reply, unsure what this gentleman was getting at. Perhaps he had good intentions, but she was more than capable of taking care of herself.

"You trust too quickly always trying to see the good in everyone, no matter who they are or what they've done, it's an endearing quality of yours." He went on.

"You sound as if you know me?" Her drunken mind couldn't wrap her head around it, his voice sounded vaguely familiar.


"You could say that." He said after a long minute. "I know you better than most."

Her heart caught in her throat. She couldn't tell if he was telling the truth or lying straight to her face.

Although for some reason she wasn't alarmed in any way.

"C'mon, let's get you home." He pulled her up and they slowly descended the stairs.

The red-haired farmer clumsily tripped over her own feet and the man caught her by the waist.


When the dark clouds pulled away from the moon casting light upon the two of them, she got a good look at his face.

Short dark curly hair framed his face giving him a mature look. His hooded emerald green eyes were cold and emotionless, just like she always remembered them.

Scarlett gasped harshly as cold dread washed over her like a tidal wave.

There was no way she could forget that face.

His face.

The man she used to love.

It was Allen—her ex-fiance.


The following day Scarlett woke up with a splitting headache. She slowly moved to get up out of bed then immediately regretted it.

A wave of lightheadedness and nausea rolled over her, causing her to lose her balance and fall back on the bed.

"Ugh! What happened last night?" Scarlett groaned, then noticed a glass of water and two pills on her desk.

She swallowed the pills and chugged down the ice-cold water silently thanking whoever was kind enough to help her with her hangover.

As she wiped the droplets off her lips, a memory flashed in her mind.

Wayne almost kissed her last night.

They were both drunk last night. How did it lead to something so...Intimate?

Her heart beat wildly in her chest. Apart from her knew it should've never happened, but the other half was thrilled.

It felt...right.

No! She shook her head clearing away the thoughts. We're friends, nothing more. Even if she didn't believe it herself she knew things were better this way.

With a tired sigh, she headed across to the bathroom and took a cold shower to ease her hangover.

After throwing on her workwear, the red-haired farmer left the house feeling more refreshed for the day.

"Your awake!" A voice called out.

Scarlett paused on her way to the well and slowly turned around to find a familiar face staring back at her.

"A-Allen?!" She could barely believe her eyes. "W-w-why are you here?"

Allen smirked as he stretched his arms and yawned. "Why I needed to make sure you got home safely, so I stopped by."

Huh?! What did he-

Realization dawned on her.

"Last night? It was you?!"

Her mind was still a bit hazy, but she remembered bits and pieces of the night before she blacked out.

"Who else would it be?" He shrugged. "I couldn't let another man escort you home."

"I'd rather have gentleman, but you!"

"What? That mailman?" He sneered, taking a step closer. "What is he to you anyway?!"

How dare he come here and ask her about her life as if they were old friends.

"He's a close friend of mine, what's it matter to you?" She glared at him in disgust, her head throbbing.

He scoffed, his green eyes narrowed.

"If you two were just friends, then why was he about to kiss you last night?"

She blushed at the unexpected reply, then quickly recovered saying, "I don't have to explain myself to you, you forfeited that right five years ago!"

"Now leave my farm before I make you!" She pointed back down the road.

"You can't just turn me away!" He stepped away from the fence as if determined to make her see reason.

A low growl sounded behind him. Duke stood behind him his fur spiked on the end and his tail raised in a threatening manner.

"Come here, boy!"

He dashed over and pressed closer to her side.

"Leave!" Was her final warning.

And thankfully he took the hint.

"This isn't over!" He marched off the farm and she breathed a sigh of relief.

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