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A/N: sorry for the late update!

Warnings: this time it's fluff<3

„Steve-what-what are you doing here?", you  clearedyour throat, shocked. What was the chance of walking into your ex lover from five years ago? Your only real lover.

A sarcastic, cold chuckle escaped Steve's throat. "What I'm doing here? What the hell are you doing here? What the hell happened to you? I thought-I thought something happened. Someone had kidnapped you or-or-hell, I don't know, that you're dead-", he started rambling, getting angrier and slightly louder with every word.

"You just left-without saying a word-just some lame excuse about-" "Steve, I'm sorry. Please, let me explain-but you need to calm down first. People are watching", you tried to calm his tone, succeeding when he nodded once, not saying a word.

You looked back at Natasha for a moment, who had been observing the whole situation from her seat. "I'll be right back", with that you turned back to Steve, who went back to a table he probably had been sitting with his friends before, telling them he'd be gone for a few minutes.

Walking out you two stayed quiet at first, both too stunned and shocked to speak. Five years. Steve hadn't seen you in five years. And as soon as he heard your voice, saw your beautiful face...his heart started thudding again. Uncontrollably fast, racing.

At the park you sat down on a bench, looking up at Steve, who just crossed his arms and looked requesting at you, wanting to get an explanation already. "Please sit down, Steve", you whispered, feeling the uncomfortable tension between the two of you. Thick enough to cut with a knife.

He snorted. "I'm not here to have a cute conversation, I just want to know why? Why did you break my heart like it was nothing to you? Maybe it wasn't? Maybe it was just fun to you, seducing a highschool kid, taking his virginity, hm? Was that it? Just fun?", he accused you.

Tears welled up in your eyes when you finally understood what and how exactly Steve had felt when you left him all these years ago. "No Steve-that wasn't it-not at all-god-I'm so sorry you felt this way- I had no other choice-" He snorted, shaking his head at your words. "Yeah, sure. And you couldn't have told me you had a boyfriend? That you had left me for? Or maybe a husband? What the hell was that between us? Were you bored of your life? Did you need someone to have your fun with? Just wanted a quick fling? Did you get some sick kick out of it? Maybe you-"

"Your father had blackmailed me!", you finally snapped, standing to your feet, wanting not to feel so small like you actually did compared to him, but when you stood in front of Steve, you noticed he had grown some more since the last time you'd seen him. These few inches made you look up at him, even though you wore high heels. God, he had changed so much since you saw him last.

Five years ago.

He had changed so, so much. You couldn't see anything from the highschool sweetheart he once was-the clean shaved face now covered with a thick, neatly groomed beard, his hair light blond to now a darker shade, a bit longer than before. His shoulders got even wider, which they had already been when he was younger, but now he seemed...massive, his clothes stretching tightly around his shoulders, though his waist was so slim you couldn't imagine how it was possible to look like that. It's like his body was the shape of a Dorito. His thighs were thick, one thigh probably like two of yours.

Maybe you were a bit exaggerating, but that's how you felt at that moment.

You felt small.

Intimidated, in a way,

And Steve seemed to notice that, his arms immediately falling to his sides, shoulders hunching, making him look smaller than before. Maybe even a bit like five years ago. The shy kid he once was...yeah, he was still in there, behind this angry and cold facade. "What do you mean, he blackmailed you? How? With what?"

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