british babe

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Yn pov

I woke up with a massive headache cursing my last night self. I looked around and realized I wasn't in my room but before panic could set in I heard a groan next to me.

Looking down I saw an arm wrapped around my waist and I tiny blonde cuddled to my side. Suddenly events of my last night came rushing by to my mind. I tiny smile made its way to my face reliving the memories.

"Good morning sleepyhead" Florence groaned at the sun peaking through the window which made me chuckle.

"Morning" ok not a morning person got it.

She took her arm of off me realizing the position we were in and quickly letting space between us.

"Oh-god I'm so-sorry" she rushed the words out feeling nervous which honestly is adorable but confusing. Does she regret last night? Was she drunk?

"Hey hey don't be i liked it" a tiny smile formed on her lips and she quickly got back to cuddling me. I guess she doesn't regret it.

"About last night..." she trailed off as if she was reading my mind "I kinda want to see where this goes"

I stayed silence shocked that she wanted to get to know me. It's not like I didn't want but my heart and soul still belong to certain green eyed actress.

"It's okey if you don't want to I mean-" my silence made her nervous and a stuttering mess which quickly led to realize that probably I should answer before she thinks the worst.

"Hey no it's just that..." I took a deep breath preparing myself for the conversation.

"I just got my heart broken by the love of my life. I had been in love with her for years. Pretty sure I still am" I quickly shot her a glance to see her reaction before continuing.

"I'm not ready to start something this fast. It doesn't seem fair to my heart or neither feels healthy so maybe if you want we could be friends and see how it goes in the future" I smiled hopefully.

Luckily she smiled back " I would like that it's better than nothing" she winked at me before getting up and preparing for the day.

"Oh hey I got to go" I looked at my phone realizing the time. Shit I got an interview. With scarlett and lizzie...

"Yeah no problem" she came back and gave me a warm hug before slipping something in my pocket and turning to leave.

I got my stuff and called for a taxi to get me to my apartment. God I'm gonna be so late.

I reached in my pocket just to feel a tiny piece of paper. I took it seeing a serious of numbers written on it next to a little heart. Sneaky.

1 hour later (SpongeBob vibes)

I arrived to the studio because tonight we are on the tonight show with jimmy fallon.

I decided to wear black dress pants with a matching black vest top and red stilettos. Regarding to makeup I have a natural eye look with bold red lips to match my shoes.

When I opened the door I saw lizzie sitting next to scarlett which made me lose a little bit of my composure.

I walked towards them deciding I wouldn't let scarlett take my down.

Lizzie quickly got up to hug me as tight as she could jumping on my arms. This made scarlett turn to see who it is only to widen her eyes in shock at seeing me here.

I locked eyes with her seeing hers saddened before they turned to a jealous look seeing Lizzie and I.

Honestly what the fuck? She has no right to feel like that she has her colin the colonoscopy.

"Hey lizzard" I smiled at my best friend feeling happy to see her here and grateful for her help last night.

"YN HOW WAS IT?" She was practically jumping up and down in excitement which cause me to smirk until I heard someone cleared their throat.

"Um- how was what?" I didn't realize scarlett had stood up and approached that until I felt her presence next to me.

"Nothing don't worry" Lizzie took my arm and quickly dragged me away from scarlett. I looked back over my shoulder seeing scar looking at me with longing eyes.

"Ugh sorry it just slipped out" I smacked her arm playfully.

"Don't worry not like she cares or anything" Lizzie was  now lookin at me with a pity full look making me uncomfortable with the vulnerable moment.

"How are you truly?" She crossed her arms waiting for me to reply "and don't you dare feed me with the just fine bullshit"

I chuckled sadly before turning back to thought. Am I ok? Will I get over this? Could I really move on? Did I really lose my best friend and love of my life just 5 days ago?

"I'm not fine. In fact I'm far from fine. It feels like the world is against me and doesn't want me to have anything good" I dried the tears that fell from eyes frustratedly.

"She doesn't deserve to be the reason for me to cry. She doesn't deserve me. You know people always say hey what's the worst she could say? No? Well guess what fucking einsteins my love kissed and proclaimed to love me before dumping me with no advice for a fucking dumpling"

Lizzie was shocked with my outburst. I looked at embarrassed by this moment which has been in public. Luckily with no one nearby but still

"I know honey. I understand how you are feeling. Sometimes life doesn't go as we planned but it's ok. Not everything is lost. You have this chance to take care of yourself and focused on you spending time with yourself don't let it go to waste" she hugged me tightly whispering reassuring words in my ear.

Little did we know that scarlett had listened to it all and now was trying to hold back a sob with the constant reminder of what have I done?

I know it's been a while I'm sorry. And also this hasn't been proof read so I expect to see mistakes 😭

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