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Hello, I'm James Supamongkon Wongwisut. I know it's long so I have nicknames, you can call me James, also the ones who are close to me call me SuSu. Basic info's about me, I'm already 20 years old. I'm an ambivert person. But most of the time I prefer to be more alone. I have many allergies, wait let me give you a list. Yes, I have a journal all about me.

There I have many allergies, especially to food

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There I have many allergies, especially to food. If I eat something with high sodium content or something that is very salty, my face will become really chubby and retain weight. Since I was young, I was always sick. That's one of the reasons why my older brother is very protective of me. Other reasons? My brother is an actor. 

Right now I'm in the art room of the University. I'm finishing the painting I made and also I'm the president of the art class, so I need to stay behind to make sure everything is fine. I'm peacefully doing my work when someone barges on the door.

"SuSu!!!"  Noeul shouts as he barges in the door, which scares me.

"Noeul, please refrain from shouting ." I said as I put my hands on my chest. Noeul, sometimes he is too hyper.

"Whyyy? You got scared, aren't you?" Noeul teasingly asks.

"I do, that's why don't do it again."  I swear, I will have a sudden heart attack because of Noeul.

" Hehehehehe....... I won't stop." Noeul said as he stuck his tongue out at me.

"Childish." I said as I continue to paint.

"Hey, what did yo--" 

"Stop." Fluke said as he cover Noeul's mouth. Oh, that's why he suddenly stop talking. 

"Thank you, Fluke. Seriously...what will I do without you?" I said as I look at Fluke with adoring eyes.

"Okay. You two stop bickering with each other." Fluke said as he smile at us.

Both I and Noeul look at each other and sigh.

"Why did you guys go here?" I mean there must be a reason why they suddenly go here, correction "Barge in".

"Ah, right, we would like you to come with us," Noeul said.

"Where? If it's not important then I will not go" It's not like I don't like to come with them it's just I feel like it will not be only "US". I mean they have lovers and a bunch of friends. 

"I know you would say that but we already informed your Phi'Saint about you coming with us and guess what?" Noeul explains with excitement.

"He agrees with what you guys said. Guess what I will say?" I say with sarcasm.

"You don't agree, and guess what too...."Noeul said as he wrap his arms around my shoulder.

"We.Dont.Care"Noeul said with a serious face.

"We know you don't want to come with us but I hope you understand why we want to take you with us."Fluke said as he have that concerned face.

"I understand but I have nothing to do there, I'm just going to look stupid. What if they are awkward with me or worse, what if they don't like me, hate me?" I said with so much worry. 

I understand why they want to but I don't want to ruin their friendship. I already have experience, I had a friend before, and we were both alike so we clicked. But then he made a new group of friends which I'm okay with. My friend wanted me to join them so I did but then whenever he left, his friends always confronted me saying that I didn't belong to them and that I should leave my friend, which I did, but I left him for another reason. His friends became more aggressive to the point that both of us were hurt. When it's a joke, they'll jokingly hit us, it's okay at first but then it became worse. I mean I'm not numb, I know their blows are no longer a joke. It's also my fault because I haven't separated from the group yet, and because of this he's also hurt because of me.  One time I fought, my friend saw it and thought I was the one who started it but the truth is not. I just fought with them because what he was saying about my friend was rude. If it's just me, it's okay, I can tolerate it but then they got my friend involved. So I separated myself from them and he believed them more than me, so what else can I fight for?

"I know what you are worried about James. But please don't let it dominate you. You know what you're doing right now? You locking yourself up. Which is not good for you. You can't lock yourself up forever, you can't avoid us forever." Fluke said.

"Please trust us, James. They won't do what your old friends have done to you." Noeul said as he put his hand on my shoulders.

"I trust you guys, I really do..." I said as I looked at them with teary eyes.

"Then come with us. Promise you'll not regret this." Fluke said as he reached his hand out for me to hold it.

I sigh. I trust them, it's just I'm afraid that history will repeat itself.

"Do you trust us?" Noeul asks me too as he reaches out his hands too. 

Maybe...I should try it...They are not strangers they are my family. Yes, I trust them maybe I should open up now. I looked at both of them as I held their hands.

They looked at me with bright smiles as they held my hand with comfort.

"You won't regret this James, we promise" Fluke said as he smiled.

I smiled. I trust them. I should try, they are sure that they won't do it so I should try. I pack my things up preparing to go with them. Soon enough Im done organizing everything and we left the art room.

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