Once upon a time there was a bear named Brianna and everyone liked her.
She was well known, but only liked one kid in the class, which was a bird named Beatrice.
Beatrice the bird wasn't well known because she was shy.
One day Brianna saw Beatrice sitting alone at the end of the lunch table, and went to sit by her and welcome her to the school, because she was a new student and didn't know anybody.
"Hi, do you mind if I sit here?" Brianna asked.
"Sure." Beatrice said quietly.
As they were eating Brianna was asking questions such as what her favorite color was, favorite food, and of she had any brothers or sisters.
Beatrice was answering all of them and Brianna discovered that Beatrice was a very smart and funny bird.
When their teacher, Mrs. Blue, said it was time to get a walking buddy to walk with back to the hall, Beatrice asked if Brianna wanted to be her partner, and she said yes right away.
They skipped all the way down the hallway behind Mrs. Blue until they got back to their classroom.