Heaven & Hell

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(I made this over a year ago and it's the first song I ever wrote, enjoy!)
May 22nd 2022

Their are people who hate every day
Because nothing seems to go their way
Where there worlds in black and white
And the days are just as dark as the night

Then theirs people who enjoy every second
And will always live in the moment
Even when theirs people with no delight
They find a way to make their own light

Most people think this world is hell
Focus on everything that's wrong
Always thinking back to past mistakes
And hating on what the future brings

Always focused on the big picture
And never live in the moment
When they complain and don't try to help
But will blame everything for their world going to hell.

But if you forget the big picture
For even just a second
And allow yourself to see the small moments
You will see that this worlds
Isn't as bad as that make it out to be

The world may be hell, but learn how to make your heaven.
Life may not be fair, but make it what you can
What you can
Your choices do matter, big or small,
Do what you do, and see
Life's not about the big picture
It's about the small pieces that make it what its meant to be.
Meant to be

Their are people who worry about their past
Not realizing their futures moving fast
They hold on to old mistakes
And never learn how to recuperate

Then their people who allow the past to flow
Remembering and learning as they grow
They'll keep taking on the risks
And are ok when they eventually miss.

Some people make their own heaven
Dispute the risks of failing
They know this world has problems
And will fix what they can and expect what they can't.

But if you forget the big picture for too long
You could forget what's going on
even though living in the moment is grand
Sometimes you need to have a plan

The world may be hell, but learn how to make your heaven.
Life may not be fair, but make it what you can
What you can
Your choices do matter, big or small,
Do what you do, and see
Life's not about the big picture
It's about the small pieces that make it what it's meant to be.
Meant to be

If your having the worst day of your life then the days that follow will be better
One bad apple doesn't have to ruin the bunch
One messed up moment doesn't have to ruin your brain
Making mistakes is part of growing
And so is excepting who you are
Loving life dispute of all the flaws and wrongs.
Helping to fix what you can, helping to fix what is wroooong.

The world may be hell, but learn how to make your heaven.
Life may not be fair, but make it what you can
What you can
Your choices do matter, big or small,
Do what you do, and see
Life's not about the big picture
It's about the small pieces that make it what it's meant to be.
Meant to be

And never give up
Never give up
Keep fighting through the ruff
Fighting through the ruff
Because no matter what, what people say
No matter the hate and pain
This world is ares
It's where we all belong
It may be hell, but learn
It may be hell but learn
It may be hell but learn
How to make it your heaven.
Make it your heaven
Make it your heaven
Make it your heavennnn

Learn how, to make it your heaven.

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