The Spark

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She was panicked, running down to her next class. She was late again, 3rd time this week. She knows her teacher won't be very happy with her. That was the one thing that she didn't want to happen. She couldn't take the sadness in what she believed to be his soft, gorgeous eyes. The thought of him being disappointed in her made her sad, yet something else at the same time, she couldn't tell what it was, but it was something.

"Alright class, time for attendance. Robyn?"





"Yo yo yo wassup Mr. S?"

"Alright? Hope?"


no response, she wasn't there yet.

"No Hope? That isn't very respectful of her-"


"Then why the fuck are you 5 minutes late?" She gazed into his gorgeous eyes, regretting of what she'll say next.

"I forgot the project." tears started to trinkle up in her eyes. He saw this and went to comfort her.

"It's ok, we all make mistakes" he says while putting a hand on her back, slowly moving it up and down. It made Hope feel special in a particular way, again she couldn't tell what it was. She went to sit down next to her friends but that wouldn't fill the hole in her heart. Only someone could fill it. After a while of staring into her beloved teacher's eyes, she got bored and she had already finished her work, so she decided to do a BuzzFeed Quiz to see what a certain teacher's category was. Good, Bad, or untrustworthy. But not to her surprise it was in a very special category. No wonder. It was a long, hard day for Hope. So many things had happened, but it was all worth it because she got to be with him. He was the only thing that made everything better in her cold, sad life. She had pictures and posters on her wall of her beloved. She would always hope that he would feel the same way. The way he would look at her, the way he would speak in his cold, harsh tone but she could feel how much he cared about her. Yet that was just a dream. Just a dream on how he would hold her and keep her warm on cold days, and how she hoped he would tell her jokes and stories about his day and talk to her while half asleep. Oh, how she would hope the day would come soon.

"Hope, come down for dinner!" Hope snapped out of her daydream and then hopped off her bed to go down for dinner.

"How was your day?"

"My what?" Hope was still entranced by her thoughts and just couldn't get a grip on reality.

"Your day, sweetheart"

"Oh yeah that. It was ok, I guess. I had forgotten my project again and I think I'm going to get a zero."

"Oh honey, I'm sure you could hand it in tomorrow-"

"I CAN'T JUST DO THAT! TODAY WAS MY LAST EXTENTION AND Now I don't have another chance." Tears started to poor from Hope's eyes, not from the thought of her failing, but the thought of him hating her and thinking that she is a disappointment. She couldn't take the thoughts anymore, so she stood up from out of her chair, grabbed her plate and ran upstairs with the food flying off it as she skipped each step up to her room. The pain strikes her heart each day as the thoughts flooded her head. She just couldn't concentrate.

Oh Mr S, my beloved Dilf. That thought caught her off guard.

"W-wait, what did I just call him?" Her face turned bright red. So bright it caught almost everyone's attention.

"Hope, what's wrong? Is something the matter?" Mr S was right next to Hope's face, which wasn't helping her at all to calm down.

"I-I'm fine. I think t-that I j-just need some w-water." Hope ran out of the classroom with everyone laughing and snickering behind her. The thing that made her just get redder and redder was how close he got to her face. It felt wonderful, probably the best moment of her life. Her face was almost as red as her hair, as Robyn pointed out. But she didn't care anymore, she just felt what would soon to be many experiences.

"I've never seen you this happy before Hope." Astro said while pointing out the obvious.

"Yeah, your usually saying edgy or weird stuff but now your all, fluffy or some shit." remarked Danny.

"What?" Hope just couldn't stay in focus, that moment was imbedded into her head for days and days. It was the only thing she could think of. Nothing else seemed to matter anymore. Only him.

"Whatcha thinking?" Robyn snickered in a sarcastic tone even though it was obvious to her. She new all about Hope's obsession with a certain religious teacher.

"Oh, it's nothing,"

"EEGHEUUEHB that's a lie. We all know it is. You're thinking about when Mr S got really close to your face. We all know that you wanted to-"

"NOPE NOTHING HAPPENED HE JUST ASKED ME WHAT WAS WRONG THERE WAS NOTHING ELSE TO IT JUST A TEACHER HELPING HIS STUDENT NOTHING MORE NOTHING LESS!" Everyone knew it was a lie. There was diffidently something between the two. Everyone saw it, just except for Mr. S. They all thought it was so obvious, the way she would look at him and how he would look at her, the way they would talk to each-other, not being able to hold anything back. Everyone knew there was something, Hope wasn't quite sure, but deep down she knew perfectly well. More than she lets on to think.

"Hope, can you please come here for me? I need to talk about something very important." Hope gushed bright red and she stumbled over to the tall, stern man. Then, she walked through the door too his Office to only hear the sound of Silence, ringing back in her ears.

"Just sit here" The tall man said while pulling out a child-sized chair made for people no older than 9.

"S-so what was it that you wanted to talk to me a-about Sir?" She said while nervously retrieving the tiny ass chair.

"I've heard the rumours."

"W-what are y-you talking a-abou-" Hope's eyes darting about, looking left and right.

"You know what I'm talking about. I know the way you look at me. Everyone talks about it, and I can tell it's true. I know it's true. You know I know it's true." By this moment Hope turned away, looking like a burnt beet that has been left out in the sun every other day.

"Awe look how cute you are blushing like that." Mr. S put his hand under her chin, turning her face to look directly into his eyes.

"Look at me, bbg." His face only inches away from hers, face tinted in a slight red colour.

"You know you can tell me anything~" Is this a dream? I can't tell, yet it feels amazing. I hope it's real. Hope thought in her head not realising what was going to happen next.

"Answer me baby doll. You know I don't like it when people don't answer me. You know what is going to happen. Now I am going to ask you one more time, is it true?" Hope looked deep into his eyes, not thinking about any consequences that may happen.

"Yes sir. They are all true. Everyone was correct about the... Rumours." The two then got closer, and closer, and closer to each other until there was no space in-between them. Not even an inch. The feeling of pure bliss coursed through their body's. Is this really happening? Am I, kissing him?  These thoughts ringing over and over in her head until nothing was there. The two could feel what they were doing was wrong, but time seemed to have frozen. Little did they see Mr. J walking past the open window.

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