I finished that WIP from like a year ago and I did some practice/concept art

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I was too lazy to make a bg so I found a stock image of a sky

Anyways my wonderful Silkwing oc

Also here is some practice art from an idea/ concept I've had for the longest of times and it would probably be the thing I made into a comic if I do choose to do comics

Cw- gore/dark themes

Ok that's enough scrolling

Ok that's enough scrolling

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Anyways this is not a character in the story obvi but more of a practice for the story itself

So basically the premise is that one vry messed up dude who went through some vry messed up shit is now a full grown adult and to cope with his severe trauma he turns to romance. This guy believes that no matter how messed up life is, he will find love and he will be happy. But however hard he tries, he just can't find the girl that's perfect for him. So he decides to take matters into his own hands and make the perfect girlfriend himself. 

I'm not going to go deeper bc the story I have in mind is really very dark and I'm also lazy and don't want to type more. Have a nice life.

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