𝘓𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘔𝘢𝘺 𝘏𝘦 𝘙𝘦𝘪𝘨𝘯

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Kong pushed himself up from the chains, roaring as he used his strength to pull himself free from the chains holding him down. Analeah focused her attention on the Skull Crawler, she raised the flare gun with the remaining flare loading into it; with a breath, she fired the shot straight into the Skull Crawler's eye socket. Kong had realized that the propellors could be used as a weapon, so taking the Skull Crawler's distraction from the flare, he flung one of the propellors into the Skull Crawler's shoulder causing it to screech in pain.

Kong dragged the beast back before using the chain to restrain it, giving Kong the upper hand to toss the Skull Crawler around. Kong punched the Skull Crawlers' jaw before lifting the titan reptilian up and throwing it into the mountain, however, he hadn't taken into account that Analeah was standing on the cliff edge that began to crack; Analeah stumbled on her feet before she was thrown off of the cliff into the river below. Slivko watched in fear as she plummeted into the water below, his heart felt like it had been torn from his chest, and as he moved to help her; Mills pulled him back.

"LEAH!" Slivko screamed as James gripped his gun tighter, he was frozen in place as Kong fought harder against the Skull Crawler. Kong ripped the ship propellor from the Skull Crawlers' shoulder leaving a large cut before roaring as he sliced the sharp weapon across the Skull Crawler's throat. As the reptilian drops, Kong approaches the river and reaches into the water to pull Analeah from the water below. Before Kong could ensure that she was indeed still alive, the Skull Crawler clamped its jaws on the arm leaning against the mountain causing Kong to enclose his fingers safely around Analeah to protect her from the beast.

The Skull Crawler, knowing that Kong was protecting someone in his enclosed fist, stuck its tongue out and wrapped it around Kong's wrist pulling the fist into its mouth. Everyone on the ploat watched in horror as the reptilian pulled Kong's fist into its mouth. Slivko could barely breathe as he watched the scene in front of him, he was wishing that he pulled her to stay with him; he truly thought she'd be safer away from the ground. Kong growled at the Skull Crawler before using all of his strength to pull his fist out of the Skull Crawler's jaws bringing out its tongue and insides in one fell swoop, leaving the Skull Crawler as nothing but a carcass.

Dropping the beast to the side, Kong stepped towards the boat and placed Analeah on the ground before moving back from the group. Slivko rushed over to Analeah, dropping to his knees next to her before checking for a pulse; shaking his head as he felt nothing prompting him to start chest compressions. He didn't stop until Analeah began coughing up water, he turned her on her side so she could expel as much water as possible. Analeah took in greedy breaths as Kong turned to walk away from the survivors, he was content with the defeat of the beast that took his parents' lives.

Analeah fell into Slivko's chest as he wrapped his arms around her, he closed his eyes as James stood with Mason by the two; Mason leaned into James' side as the tracker let out a breath of relief knowing his sister was okay. Analeah pulled back from Slivko but he didn't let her move too far away from him, she smiled up at him as he brushed her hair aside. Slivko took notice of his dog tags around her neck and grinned, "You kept them." Analeah chuckled lightly as she placed her hand on his shoulder, "Well, the boy I like gave it to me." Slivko looked up at her with slightly wide eyes.

"But the question is... does he like me back?" Analeah asked in an almost shy way that made Slivko swoon, he cupped her head in his hands. "More than anything," Slivko told her before he leaned in and kissed her. Analeah hummed as she kissed him back, her heart was racing from the action but she loved every second of it. The others cheered for the two, James rolled his eyes playfully and turned away from the sight to respect his sister's choice. Slivko pulled away slowly, smirking when Analeah chased his lips. "Let's get out of here," Slivko whispered to her before kissing her.

Slivko helped Analeah onto the Ploat, she looked back to see Kong watching them and she raised her hand before bowing her head; Kong let out a roar as he slammed his hands against his chest. Slivko wrapped his arms around Analeah's waist, pulling her into his chest, "So, Analeah Conrad... Will you be my girl?" Analeah bit her lip as she leaned her head back against his shoulder, tilting it enough to look him in the eyes. "I was yours from the moment we locked eyes," Analeah told him before they shared another kiss, the ploat making its way down the river heading North to reach the refueling team.


The Grey Fox floated down the river and everyone admired the surrounding environment with a new sense of admiration. Mason stood with James, their relationship had grown since before the island. Marlow sat looking at the photograph of his wife with a fond smile on her, Mills had taken charge of the helm with Cole standing next to him; Reles sitting by the two. Brooks and San sat together, both with grins on their faces. While Analeah sat with her back to Slivko's chest, the two sat in the back of the boat in comfortable silence. Slivko was tracing random shapes on Analeah's thigh, she turned her head to kiss his jaw slowly.

"So what do you think, fellas?" Mills spoke up with a grin directed at Cole, "This way to Key West?" Cole laughed at Mills' comment with the others, Analeah rolled her eyes playfully as Slivko spoke up, "I think so, brother." The smiles on their faces proved that they were truly happy to have survived and while it hurt to think of the ones they had lost, they couldn't deny their grateful hearts for surviving. "This place will change," James spoke up pulling Analeah's attention to him, she and Slivko focused on him. "Word will get out. It always does," He added as he shared a look with his sister, she knew he was right.

Well, it's not coming from us," Mason replied to him as Analeah interlocked her fingers with Slivko's once he had wrapped his arms around her. "An Island? There's a bunch of islands," Analeah said with a teasing grin that made the others laugh. "We'll meet again... don't know where, don't know when... but I know we'll meet again, some sunny day," Marlow sang out as he looked out to the water. Mason lifted her camera to take a photo of the relaxed man while Analeah closed her eyes relaxing against Slivko completely. "What will happen once we're off the island?" Slivko asked Analeah softly.

"Well, I've been a traveler for the past two years... And Detroit sounds like a nice plan to settle for a while," Analeah told him before she turned to look at him, "If that's something you'd want as well." Slivko grinned at that, he leaned forward and kissed Analeah soft but firm before pulling back and resting his forehead against hers, "That sounds perfect." Analeah nodded at his words before leaning sideways against him, closing her eyes once again. "We'll meet again, don't know where, don't know when. But I know we'll meet again, some sunny day," Marlow continued as they enjoyed the cool breeze, the distant roar of Kong; Long May He Reign.



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Rosemary Speaks!

Honestly, I adore this short book; I hope you do too!

See you in the next chapter!

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