𝘈𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘒𝘪𝘯𝘨

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Marlow hugged Analeah as they stood on the pier, the group had gotten off the Island without further troubles and had returned to Bangkok where they had sailed from. "Look after yourself, kid. And stay tough," Marlow told Analeah, she smiled at his words as they pulled apart. "Take care of her," Marlow told Slivko who nodded instantly. "Go enjoy your life, Marlow," Analeah told the man who nodded, he turned away from them and headed towards the plane that would be taking him home to his wife and son. Analeah smiled fondly as Marlow turned to them and waved, she looked up at James who nodded his head to Marlow.

"Slivko, we gotta talk with the Sargeant," Mills told him, nodding to Analeah before turning to walk away. "I'll, uh, meet up with you later," Slivko told her with a small smile. "Oh, your dog tags," Analeah said, she went to remove them but he stopped her. "Keep them. My girl should have them," Slivko told her before he kissed her. "I'll see you later, Reg," Analeah said after they pulled away, Slivko flushed pink at his name coming from her before pecking her lips and heading off to the trio waiting for him to take their statements.

Analeah was disheartened to hear that all Grace and Billy had left of Jack Chapman was his book where he wrote little letters for his son, she wished she could have saved him. She knew that Cole and Mills were eager to return to their respective homes in Florida while Reles was ready to return home to his girl; he had plans to propose to her and Analeah wished him all the luck in the world. However, Analeah was dragged by officials alongside James and Mason into a building where they were placed into an interrogation room where they were told to wait until someone came to talk to them.

Analeah had a feeling this connected to Monarch, she just hoped it wouldn't take too long because she wanted to leave with Slivko to focus on being seventeen with her boyfriend by her side. "Are you just gonna sit there? In the dark? You're enjoying this right? Is this fun for you?" James spoke directly at the two-sided mirror, they knew there were people on the other side of it. "I promise I won't tell the Russians," James continued before he returned to his seat. "I promise I will tell the Russians," Mason spoke up making Analeah laugh, she relaxed into the seat with her arms crossed; she was also craving a burger.

"She's gonna tell the Russians," James stated as he sat down, his eyes glancing at his little sister who was completely unbothered by the situation at hand. James threw a pencil at the window, "Why are you keeping us here?" Analeah looked at Mason before she leaned on the table, resting her head on her arms. "I wanna go home," Mason stated with an annoyed expression, they all honestly wouldn't mind a few hours of sleep after the whole Island experience. "At least supply us with some food," Analeah commented though it was muffled by her hands on the table.

"We get it. There was no Island. We were never on an Island," James spoke up despite his amused expression from his little sister's words. "Island? What Island?" Brooks asked as he walked in the door with San following behind him. "Brooks, what the hell is going on?" James asked the man who approached the table, San following his movements and taking the place next to him. "Welcome to Monarch," Brooks answered him making James chuckle in disbelief while Analeah shook her head and leaned back in her seat, glancing at Mason in the process.

"This island is just the beginning," Brooks told them as he placed a folder down, opening it to reveal other images that took their attention. "There's more out there," San added to Brooks' words. "What do you mean 'more'?" James asked the two as he looked up from the images, Analeah leaning forward in interest. "This world never belonged to us. It belonged to them. The question is how long before they take it back," Brooks told them before a projector shined onto the world to their side. Analeah focused on the images showing drawings in a cave of more Titans, her heart dropped at each image that flashed by.

The images showed a large lizard, a pterodactyl-like bird, an overgrown moth, and a three-headed dragon which caused Analeah to share a look with James and Mason. Analeah's mouth went dry at the knowledge that these large Titans were out there, her thoughts were haywire at the images appearing on the screen and she had no idea how to truly process any of it. Brooks allowed them a moment to take it all in, he noticed the way they hadn't expected there to be more out there, and yet here they were revealing it. "Kong is not the only King," Brooks stated as an image was shown of the giant lizard standing across from Kong.


Analeah followed behind Reg as they approached his childhood home, the house was a standard two-story home with a well-kept yard and all the signs of a healthy home. To say that Analeah was nervous was an understatement, she was positively freaking out on the inside at the idea of meeting Reg's parents so early in their relationship. Though it wasn't that, it was more along the lines of the fact she had a terrible track record with parents through friends, she couldn't imagine the pressure she was about to be under as the girlfriend.

Reg knew that his girlfriend was panicked to meet his parents, he could see it in the way she played with his dog tags around her neck; a sight that still made his heart swell. But Reg was certain that the girl standing next to him was his One, the woman he'd one day marry and grow old with because he couldn't see it as anyone else. Analeah was absolutely perfect in his eyes, not a fault worth leaving her for. He fully believed that his parents would adore her, he was even certain that his father would be proud of his son for getting a girlfriend in the first place.

"You need to relax, darling," Reg told his girlfriend as they stood out front of his home, the old memories hitting him like a truck; he couldn't wait to show Analeah all of his favorite places in Detroit. "I'm trying but... what if I screw up?" Analeah asked him, she had never been so nervous in her life and if that didn't prove how much she adored Reg Slivko; nothing would. "You won't screw up," Reg told her before leaning in for a kiss, she melted into his touch and let all of her worries fall away in the arms of the soldier she had fallen in love with. And needless to say, his parents absolutely adored her.



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Rosemary Speaks!

And that is the end of this book!
The next chapter will be a short little epilogue about their future!
But anyway, I hope you've enjoyed this little journey.

See you in the final chapter!

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