Part 25 - New Duds

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Man, I really hope I don't regret this...

You roll your shoulder and sigh softly enough that your internal debate isn't obvious to everyone outside of you. The clothing store's cashier gives you a small smile before heading to the back, leaving you standing awkwardly before the counter. On the counter's surface is a hat. You blink down at it for a moment, studying the material. 

You've been thinking about this a lot since you met up with Garcello that night. His losing his hat seemed like a pretty small deal at the time, but you've started to notice that he's been acting just a little less confident than before. Ducking his head, turning away his face, not meeting anyone's eyes... You're not sure if he's unaware or simply dismissive, but you get the feeling that hat served as a source of shielding from everything else, if barely.

Or... maybe he's just awkward because you kissed his cheek that one time, and neither of you have really talked about it...

Internally, you groan, pinching the bridge of your nose. Why did you have to go and make things so awkward?

"Hey, there."

You jolt a bit, popping out of your internal monologue. The shop employee stands in front of you, holding the hat in their hands. A polite smile sits on their face and they tap the brim of the cap slightly, holding it out to you.

"I found the pricing for the hat. Thirty dollars, approximately."

Hoo, boy. Is that in your budget? Probably not...

The employee seems to read the hesitance on your face and smiles sweetly, setting the hat back on the counter.

"If that's not affordable to you, that's completely fine! Take your time."

You press your lips into a flat line, briefly checking your phone. There on the screen sits your chat log with Annie from about five minutes ago.

You:  Annie holy crap this hat

Annie: whuh

You: [Attachment sent.]

Annie: DUDE

Annie: HOW


Annie: um YEA

Annie: the timing too omfg

You: timing?

Annie: I'll tell u more later dude

Annie: so r u gonna buy it?

You: uhhhh I gotta check the pricing

You: ffff no tag, I gotta ask an employee

You: brb

Annie: aight

You stay silent for a moment before looking back up at the manager and the still-present polite grin on their face.

Ah, screw it.

You begin typing back to Annie.

You: u really want this hat for gar?

Annie: yea no kidding

You: alr

You: u owe me 30 bucks now

Annie: WHAT


You shift your weight between your feet and stare at the hat held limply in your hands. As soon as you'd left the store, Annie had urged you through a call to visit her and Garcello's shared house. Just judging from the pure excitement in her voice, you didn't exactly have a choice not to... you would bet she'd leap out of the phone just to drag you there if she had to.

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