My Theo

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It started with a simple chest infection. It ended with me almost dying.

One week ago, I was rushed to the hospital with a severe case of bronchitis. My parents were extremely worried, given that I have a medical condition which only makes things worse. You see, not many people know this but I have a medical condition called cystic fibrosis which is a genetically passed down disease that means I have a build up of mucus in my lungs. I've had it my whole life so I've grown to live with it. Compared to other people with it, I have a very mild case so that's why everyone was so worried when I took a turn for the worse. Let me explain everything that happened in full detail.

It started with me coughing and then I got a runny nose. Both of those things are not unusual in the winter: in the middle of summer however they are not common but it is still possible to get them. One night I took a turn for the worse - I could barely breathe. My parents rushed me to the hospital, if I'm honest I don't quite remember much of the journey other than flashing lights. I was phasing in and out of consciousness as I were a shadow on a gloomy day - sometimes I was there and sometimes I wasn't.

As my dad carried me into the emergency care, I was wheezing and my chest started to tighten. My eyes rolled back into my head and a darkness engulfed me.

White. That was all I saw. Bright white light. I blinked and allowed my eyes to adjust. Taking a deep breath, I coughed harshly

"How do you feel?" My dad asked.

"I can't really breathe." I whispered.

My mum had been crying, I turned my head and I saw that the doctor had a grim look on his face.

"What's wrong?" I asked hoarsly.

"You're really sick Els, the doctor isn't sure if you'll bet better." My mum responded before she started crying.

"Well that's comforting news." I remarked.

My dad had tears in his eyes however he managed to let out a weak chuckle I'm the other hand, my mum started to sob harder. I might not survive, I'm that ill. I had to try not to panic - I wasn't scared of dying, I just didn't want to yet after all I'm only 14.

"Pass me my phone please?" I asked.

"Can't do that I'm afraid, you need to rest." The doctor stated.

I began to cry "please I need to message someone."

"I'll message them for you." My mum whispered.

"No it's private, I need to message them." I stated.

"You can't use your phone, it will give you a headache." The doctor informed me.

"Please, one message, my mum can do the rest?" I begged.

Seeing how distraught I was, the doctor eventually caved. "Fine you can send one message."


Theo ☺️🦞

Hi Theo, this is Elsie's mum, I have some bad news, Elsie has been rushed to Queen Mary's hospital. She took a turn for the worse and we are unsure if she will live. I'm so sorry you had to find out this way however Elsie was desperate for you to be told.

Oh my goodness, what's wrong with her?

The doctor's think it's bronchitis


Hi Theo, it's Elsie I'm only allowed to send you one message so it will have to be a long one so that I can fit everything I want to say into it. Im sorry you had to find out this way, if I don't make it I want you to know that I have been in love with you for quite some time however I was too much of a coward to tell you. I loved you so fucking much but I never said anything and now as I quite possibly lay here in my deathbed I can't even begin to tell you how much I regret not saying it. To you I may have only been your best friend but to me you were the one person who I could truly depend on. You were my best friend who I was - I am completely and utterly in love with. All those times we walked to school together I was itching to grab your hand. But I never did. I was too scared and u didn't want to loose you. I want you to remember that life is precious and it is no good waiting around for things. Just do it - take a few risks. If I die, don't be sad that I'm gone, remember all the good times we had together. I will be fighting for my life just so I can see you again however if I lose that battle, do me a favour and visit my grave and keep me updated on the drama and the latest marvel films. Oh and watch the X-Men and some of my favourite TV shows for me. I love you Theo and I really hope this isn't goodbye forever. Love from the girl who was in love with you ever since she met you over 10 years ago, Elsie. ❤️


I shut my eyes and breathed in "I love you mum, I love you dad."

"We love you Elsie." They whispered.

I didn't expect to wake up if I'm going to be honest with you. I expected to pass away peacefully but what can I say - I'm a stubborn bastard when I want to be.

My eyes blinked open and I smiled slightly, I wasn't dead yet. I turned my head and saw a boy sat at my bedside - he was holding my hand.

"Please don't die Elsie, please don't die. Why did I never tell you that I loved you. I'm so stupid, you had been dropping hints for months but I never did anything. Why oh why did I not just kiss you." He mumbled, sobbing.

"You could always kiss me now." I whispered.

"Elsie, you're not dead." He breathed.

"I told you, I was fighting to see you again." I whispered.

The lent over and placed a kiss to my forehead. My heart melted. Gently brushing a hand through his hair I whispered "you love me?"

Theo nodded, unable to speak.

"I'm still not out of the woods yet." I sighed.

"Maybe this will help." He whispered before leaning down and pressing his lips to mine.

I fell asleep shortly after, Theo's hand clutched tightly in my own. I had a reason to fight. I had my family and my friends but the most important person is Theo and now that I have him I wasn't likely to let him go.

The next few days were tough but as we approach one week of me being in hospital, I'm definitely better than I have ever been. I am almost completely healthy again. I've had several visits from my frieiand family, all of whom brought me books and chocolate however my favourite visits have been from Theo. Each time he visited he brought 5 roses and a box of chocolates. What started with me having a near death experience, has ended me in having the boy of my dreams. The love of my life. My Theo.

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