Chapter 6

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It's been 2 days after that incident on the dinner table and the elders were supposed to come home the day after tomorrow.

I was at the garden sitting under a tree when Ashu came out from the back door. By the look on his face I can say that he was not expecting me to be here. He thought something for a while then came towards me and sat under the tree beside me. He leaned on the tree and closed his eyes.

His eyes.His beautiful blue eyes. I wonder how he is the only one in the family who has blue eyes. Aditya and Arya has dark brown eyes inherited by their mother. Advik has inherited his black eyes by his father but Ashutosh.... Ashutosh has blue eyes so different and so captivating that one could look into his eyes all day long.

"You shouldn't stare at a man who isn't your husband like this" he said and opened his eyes. I wasn't staring at you was on my tongue but I didn't say it because I was staring at him. I do feel guilty though that's why I apologized and looked towards the other side.



"How do you like our family? Are you comfortable here?" he said, there was something else he wanted to ask I knew by how he hesitated at first.

"Yes....Everyone is so nice Maa, Papa, Chachi, Chachu they treat me like their own daughter it feels like I haven't left my home and still living with my papa" I smiled thinking about it and continued "Arya is like my little sister that I never had, she is so cute and full of energy and the way she whines makes my heart melt" I laughed when I remembered how she bullies her brothers. "It's fun to be around her" I finished and looked towards Ashu who was looking at me with a small smile.

"That's good to hear, but let me warn you my family is pretty annoying too" he said, his small smile turned into a bigger one.

"May I ask one more question?"

I nodded.

"How is..... Bhai treating you Chaya?"

That question was enough to make me stop smiling. How is Aditya Raghuwanshi treating me? Most of the time he does not even look at me. Talking is way far. And even if he says something to me it's not more than a sentence if he is not angry.

We live in the same house like two people who don't want to even look at each other. We live in the same room but we don't talk to each other. We sleep in the same bed but not even our fingers have touched the other one, funny isn't it? Sometimes it feels like I have committed some type of sin that is why he is treating me like that.

"Chaya....Earth to Chaya?"

I looked towards him and smiled "He is really nice Ashu don't worry. I don't think that I would have found myself someone like him. He is so handsome, he has achieved so many things in his life at such a young age and he loves his family alot. What else can I ask for?"

"And what about you, does he love you?"

"Ashu.... You know our marriage is arranged so  don't ask something so silly like that" I said and stood up "I am going to make dinner". I saw him nodding and left the garden.

I hate to lie but it is for the best atleast for now.


I was in my room applying some moisturizer before going to bed when someone knocked on the door. "Kaun?" I asked.

"Bhabhi main hoon" a soft voice came from the other side of the door.

"Darwaja khula hai Arya come on in" I said chuckling to myself. She got inside and sat on the bed. "When did you start asking for permission to come inside huh?"

"Oh bhabhi what if you and Bhai were making out, it is not good to walk in when lovebirds are in between something" she said with cheeky smile.

"Arya your brother would kill me if I try to kiss him" I said narrowing my eyes.

"Please Bhabhi he won't do something that terrible. I have faith in my brother. Talking of him where is he?"

"With his first wife"

"Bhabhi you are the first wife not his work, can't you just do something like so that he would be home more."

"Like what Arya?"

"Like have some great sex and make me aunt that would be really good" she said and I looked at her in disbelief. By this time my face would have been as red as a tomato I was sure about that.

"So tell me when are you going to have sex with-"


Me and Arya both looked towards the person who called her name. Guess who was it, if you guessed my pati dev then your right. This is so embarrassing he just caught me and Arya talking about sex although I wasn't the one who was talking about it but still. Why my life is like this bhagwan? I didn't even do anything wrong.

I saw Arya standing up and moving towards him, she pulled her brother by the sleeve of his blazer and said something to him which made his ears red.... Oh my bhagwan is he angry or what... Arya looked towards me winked and left the room.

I'm in trouble I was sure of that. Aditya closed the door of our room behind him and in two long strides he was infront of me. He narrowed his eyes leaned towards my ears "Never knew you wanted to be fucked by me so badly that you had to ask my sister for that" poison was laced with his words.

I looked towards the other side tears rolling down my cheeks. I felt him holding my jaw from one hand and made me look into his eyes. Hatred was clearly visible in those brown eyes.

"Haven't I made it clear that I do not see you as my I need to print it and paste it in this room so you will never forget it huh? Cat got your tongue or what?"

"Listen carefully stay away from me and don't ever think that there is even a slight chance that I would treat you like my wife. Am I clear?"

I nodded my head, he freed my jaw and went inside the bathroom.

The room started suffocating me I need something to calm myself. Without thinking further I left for the pool. It is the only place that can calm me now.

Why do you think Aditya treats Chaya like that?

Do you think Ashu will help Chaya like Advik?

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