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The mirror used to stare at me as a reflection of someone's son, someone's daughter.

Standing there the figure lingers uneasy, unsettling. its eyes are familiar, but that's not me.

I am older and mature.My world is bright not a monotone dread. My dreams are vivid and there's a world of possibilities waiting. Waiting for me to explore and dive in head first without any hesitation.

I used to be scared, frightened of my imagination, frightened of daring to take that first leap of faith. But that's all it is faith. Faith has taught me to walk, no not walk. To run with the wind in my hair screaming out my heart's desires. Because there is an opportunity waiting for me in an envelope.

It's a creased letter inside slightly torn, slightly yellowing. I pull it out and let the envelope fall to the ground, slightly touching the end of my feet. It's handwritten, the "y" curves and loops and the "i" is gracefully dotted. Despite the worn-out edges I read every word, carefully taking it all in. my lips curl into a smile once I have read it all, its my handwriting and the letter simply reads:

"Congratulations, your time is here. You can do anything now that you believe in yourself. It's been a long road and many more bumps and crashes will happen. But you have made it now, enjoy.



I read it over and over again until I have it memorised, word for word. My phone rings, an alarm set for 4:44pm. I don't remember saving the reminder in my phone, I swipe it off my screen and my phone creaks in my hands. Shards of glass spiralling out like a cobweb. I place it down next to the faucet, avoiding touching the screen for obvious reasons.

I look up, meeting their eyes once again, remembering every trace of the child I used to be. I have adapted and grown to a new lifestyle where fortune comes flooding in. that child disappears before my eyes, and a faceless and shapeless person appears. I don't know them. That's the beauty of the future. Anything can and will happen when you are open to the possibility of failing because only then you can learn and build upon yourself to become better and more free. The figure flickers between different people. A tall angular man then a short woman with cropped hair, a teenager with dyed hair and piercings, an old man with a scar on his arm, fisherman, a policewoman, students, singers, engineers, shopkeepers, lawyers then back to myself. My present self. I stare at them, proud of everything I've achieved.

The mirror in front of me has been there since i was born, always showing my true self even when i didn't want to know. It kept me humble, made me insecure and even paranoid sometimes. But now I can see it in a different light now that I am ready for any challenge that throws itself at me.

Because people should be able to look in the mirror and see all kinds of possibilities waiting for them to grab.

the mirror before meWhere stories live. Discover now