On May 28, 2023 I got 7 bonuses from 1 transaction. My mother (Who I live with) needed gas for her car, so she gave me $20 to get gas. Now the key to this process is I deposited the $20 in my Chase account, now any regular bank account (I mean a bank with checking accounts with a debit card attached, with physical branches, I have not seen this kind of flexibility with internet only banks, but let me know in the comments if one does).
First bonus is from going to 7-11 and using my 7-11 rewards account, that saved me 7 cents per gallon on this particular day (the promotions change which is why I specific on the date).
Second is is using App called Upsde that gives me cash back on gasoline and restaurant purchases, Upside gave me 6 cents back per galon on this transaction.
Third is Lolli , lolli gives Bitcoin back at certain merchants, and 7-11 currently is one of them andI got 3% back in bitcoin on this purchase.
Now I also have Fetch which is a receipt app, and every receipt I scan it gives me at least 25 points, and the points can be trader for gift cards, So I made sure I printed my receipt.
I also have Pogo which is also attached to my Chase card, so I got points for that app as well, it tracks my purchases.
Now I also have the Coin App that when drive with my NFC Sentinelx card, it gives me points for driving, every 10,000 points is 4 XYO coins (another cryptocurrency, like bitcoin) which I deposit in my Coinbase account.
I also have miles another app that measures and tracks me while I drive, which I use those miles for rewards.
So that is 7 bonuses for one trip and since it was my mother's gas and her car and her money, I got all the bonuses at no cost to me. I have the referrals on my twitter @risky6877