late night

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Music was blaring in your ears. There was no one for miles. Just you and your headphones.

You had never had a very good school life but you were at your wits end.

You would come to you little spot whenever you wanted to get away from everyone.

Earlier today you had got in a fight with your enemy billy hargrove. You despised him. He always new how to hurt you the most.

Billy had found out you had had a crush on your best friend Steve harington and told the whole school. Steve was stunned and you just ran out of school.

You had started to cry as you thought about it over and over again.

(What if he hates me now.)
( We'll never be the same.)

Just then you were startled by the headlights of a car. You whipped your tears and ran to your car.

The car had stopped and the door was open. you couldn't tell what kind of car it was or what color.

You looked around trying to figure out who or where the driver was.

Just then you hear


You gasp as you turn to see them at your window.

But then you realize it was the person you where here because of.

but then you saw the person you where here because of.

Billy hargrove.

He had a smirk on his face but that quickly changed when he saw how terrified you were.

"Hey hey hey calm down."

"What the fuck"

You say(more like scream) as you get out of the car. He backs up a bit with his hands up.

"Cool down I'm not gonna kill you."

"Why are you out this far in the middle of the night?!"

"I could ask you the same thing."

"I asked first."

Billy rolls his eyes and gives me a (* real mature*) face.


"Look I hurt you and I'm sorry."

I let out a cold laugh.

" Wasn't that the plane along, I mean be for real billy what did I ever do to you."

"I-Im sorry y/n. I just.."

I stepped closer to him looking him in the eyes.


I mocked him at the end. I had started to cry at this point. My hands were on his chest pushing him at every word. Yet he didn't make a move.

"Y/n lesson for a second please."

I didn't say a word.

"I'm sorry I really am. I didn't mean to hurt you this bad. I know I fucked up."

"Why do u even care. hu. How did you even know I would be here."

"I went to your mom."


"I felt bad I didn't know what else to do."

I sighed . pissed .

"You didn't answer my question."

"I don't know, maybe the whole reason I act like this."

"And what might that be."

He slowly moved closer.

"Maybe I don't want harington to be the one you think of."

Step Step Step

I hit the back of my car softly.

"What are you trying to say."

I could fill he's breath on my lips.


Our lips collided.

His hands moved to my hair and waist.


I smirked.


He was on the ground. I had jumped into my car.

Two words

Nut shot

I pecked my head out the window.

"Love you."

The next day I got to school there was no sight of billy or steve tell I got out and heard a car. I turn my head to see a all to familiar blue Camaro driving right at me.

Camaro stops right in front of me. As I see his curly blonde hair there's no doubt that's Billy hargrove and considering what I had just done yesterday I should run.

He jumps out of the car as he yells my name.


I run to God knows where when I see Jonathan no he can't really save me but he can stall my inevitable Doom.

"JONATHAN!!!!" I yell out at the top of my lungs as I almost run right into him. I hook my arm with his and start acting like we can talking time.

"What, are you ok."

"I'll explain in a minute." I whisper as I turn around seeing Billy. He had stopped chasing after me as a crowd of people starting to stare and scared me down. I held on tighter to Jonathan's arm as he let us into the building.

~after explain~

"Yeah I kind of heard about the whole Steve thing but you are dead when it comes to the billy thing I can't protect you forever God knows I can't fight him. You should really talk to Steve because he stands a decent amount of a chance."

"Speak to me about what?"

I jump out of my skin as I feel Steve's breath on my neck.

"Fucks sake steve! I- um- "

"Want to skip we really should talk about yesterday."


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12 ⏰

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