to mark a new erra

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Melody's lungs burned almost as much as her arms did. They ached as she fought to keep her arms held tight in front if her face. Blocking punch after punch tiny threw.

Her mind raced, tugging along the weeks worth of training along with the matches between the other men.

She knew she had the upper hand. Tiny, dispite his name was tall. Almost as tall as Johnny though unlike him carried larger muscle and moved a lot slower. Melody found it easy to duck, missing the hungry swings Tiny threw.

Even with the jokers warning, Tiny still fought like an animal in the ring.

Money was the fuil of his swings.

Every man in this room bet on the fight. All expecting melody to cowar. Begging for J to step in and take over.

J hated seeing her in the ring. She always ran the risk of another man touching her. Having his filth covered hands on her pure skin.

If she didn't give the man mercy and kill him herself. He would drag him to the ocen and let the sharks eat away at him.

Though, dumping acid over his head seemed to be equally as pleasing.

J watched as his little gem threw weak punches, though somehow landed them over and over on the same spot. Patches of pink was soon coating Tinys arms and abs.

Melody - was coated in bruises and blood.

The sight, normally would have turned the joker on. Only for the fact another man caused it.

He knew - seen it in the way her body reacted to his touch. The way his blade trickled so easily over her skin that she enjoyed it. She enjoyed the feeling of pain. The pain he inflicted on his innocent little gem.

She truly was perfect for him.

In a short moment, Tiny threw the perfect punch hitting melody at the side of her jaw throwing her to the rings floor.

She coughed up blood, letting it pull into a puddle just in front of her face.

Just before j could climb into the ring, ready to throw his own punches at the man in pure anger. Melody forced her way up onto her feet.

She would be dammed if she allowed another man to get the best of her again. To make her lay down on the floor - bundled into a ball.


She shocked everyone in the room, including Tiny himself as she grabbed his head forcing it down to make contact with her knee.

He lost his breath as she not once, but twice Brought it down. Before backing up and forcing all her weight into her leg pushing him to the ropes.

She wanted tiny to the floor. She wanted him on his knees. Fuck. Even on his stomach.

With all her strength, she kicked him in the dick.

Every man in the room winced, cupping their member in a manner of comfort. Feeling the pain tiny felt.

Melody's spat the pooling blood in her mouth. The taste of Iron suddenly overbearing.

J wrapped his arms around her body, pulling her into this body.

He needed her warmth. To feel her relax under his hold.

Fuck he was addicted to her, he didn't seem to care either.

"Ya did good." J hummed in her ear, rubbing his thumb on her skin. Not caring for the way the bed of his thumb glided along the sweat and blood.

Even the hair at the back of her neck was drenched in sweat.

She was changing, she knew it and he did too. Neither one of them disliked the change either.

Melody ran her wrapped fingers threw j's hair. Her chest rising and falling as she looked into the jokers eyes.

"Can I get my hair done?"


Melody sat in the chair, waiting for the stylist to get her things together.

"So miss what are we going for today?"

Melody showed a picture. A smile on her face as she attempted to contain the giddy feeling that flickered in her stomach. She longed for short hair, now. She can get it.

"That would look perfect on you." The woman shook her head, agreeing as she got to work sectioning the hair.

The scissors snipped at the dead ends, letting the hair fall to the marbled floor.

Though the stylist was nervous, she was used to the long travels to the mansion.

The joker preferred her. Even when Harley was his queen the stylist never attempted to make advancements to him. She was only interested in doing her job. Talking here and their asking the occasional question on how they where doing that day.

He could trust her with melody.

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