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I stormed in the BAU "AARON!" I yelled as I pushed open the double glass doors to the BAU, Agent Derek Morgan, a man I'd only met a few times on formal occasions, immediately rose to a defensive stance clearly assuming I was here to kill someone. Next to him sat Dr Spencer Reid, I had heard of the young protégé but never met him. His eyes were strained on me clearly taking the profiler angle on this situation trying to figure out why I was there. I spotted Agent Emily Prentiss in the corner talking to their technical analyst Penelope Garcia, I hadn't met either of them but again I knew who they were. Prentiss jumped into action immediately placing her right hand on her gun ready for my next move, whereas Garcia was more shocked that anything and nearly dropped her colourful coffee mug. 

I went to move past Morgan, but he shielded the stairs to Hotch's office, I let out a sign and yelled out again "Aaron Hotchner! Tell captain America over here to move before I break his legs!". This time there was movement from Aaron's office, and he emerged with Rossi trailing behind him, nodding to Morgan to move, which he did. I gave him a sarcastic smug smile before turning to Hotch "get all of these agents out, your team can stay this is top security". I rushed over to their decks searching for the case file I needed. Aaron cleared everyone out apart from his team then focused back on me, "You want to tell me what's going on Y/N?" as he moved down the stairs to stand next the Morgan. I ignored him and continued searching making my way over to JJ's desk, opening draws and throwing paperwork. Morgan looked at Aaron as if to say 'is she crazy' while raising an eyebrow. "Pegasus is gone Aaron, all of it" I sighed looking at Hotch, to this Prentiss lowered her firearm and rushed over "wait do you mean Pegasus as in the CIA operation", "no I mean the Hagrid's pet in Harry potter, yes the CIA operation" I snapped back sarcastically, "actually Buckbeak, Hagrid's pet, was a hippogriff" Reid pipes up. I rolled my eyes and continued searching for the file I had given the BAU earlier as Hotch pulled out his phone. He turned away from us all, making a call.

The Call:

Hotch: JJ you need to come in now.

JJ: do we have a case?

Hotch: Y/N is here.

JJ: I'll what? I'll be there in 10.


I hurried through the BAU and saw no agents in the bullpen, I stopped looking around for anyone walking through the hallway until I saw the team up in the briefing room. I strode up the stairs trying get their as quick as I could, opening the door to see her. 

Me and Y/N had history through our early days in our careers, lots of flirting and we had a thing on and off for a bit, but it didn't work out because of our jobs. She went undercover and we hadn't spoken since, that was five years ago. I kept tabs on her through by old contacts to make sure she was okay, but it wasn't the same. I even found out what her undercover job was, some sort of drug enterprise. Only Hotch knew about our history, although I'm sure the others will pick up on it quickly especially Penelope, that girl is the best at knowing the relationship drama within the BAU, I mean she figured out that Prentiss and Hotch had slept together the second she saw them the next morning. Me and Y/N held eye contact for a few moments as I smiled at her saying all the words I can't actually say. I sat down and turned to Prentiss over my shoulder "what's going on" I asked her but she just shrugged at me and shook her head, so I focused back on Y/N who was stood in front of everyone. 

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