triple date

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Jess: this triple date sounds fun

Jim: it does

Vic: what time is grandma coming to get me

Jim: ummm in about half an hour

Vic: that's perfect I just got a few more things to pack

Jim: okay

*she leaves to go to grandma*

Jim: time to get ready and leave

Jess: im gonna hop in the shower

Jim: okay sounds good * gets a call from her dad*

Mr. Knight: hello

Jim: Mr. Knight hi sir thank you for calling me back

Mr Knight: everything okay

Jim: yes umm so I would of love to ask you in person but with you in Japan that's kinda hard right now

Mr knight: okay

Jim: I'd like to ask you for permission to ask your daughter to marry me

Mr knight: you have my blessing you have made my daughter so happy jimmy take good care of her

Jim: yes sir and thank you

Mr knight: no worries take care son

Jim: you too

Jess: babe who was that

Jim: ah nick asking where we meeting

Jess: ah the Italian place we all love

Jim: indeed *texts robin* hey I know your in the dc tomorrow would you meet me for lunch but don't tell Jess

Robin: of course where and when

Jim: the diner around half 11

Robin: I'll be there and why can't I tell Jess

Jim: I'll tell you tomorrow just don't say anything

Robin: okay see you tomorrow

Jim: wow you look amazing

Jess: not too bad yourself

Jim: I love you

Jess: I love you too

* at the Italian place*

Jim: second one's here hey Kate and lucy

Kate: hey this place is so cute

Lucy: yeh the menu looks amazing

Nick: ugh last ones here

Jane: you take to long

Jess: yeh he does

Jim: so what is everyone having I'm doing my usual

Jess: me too

Nick: yep same

Jane: that pasta looks good

Kate: I was thinking the same

Lucy: it does

Jim: I guess we all having the same thing

Jess: it's so good

Jim: so Kate and lucy how long you guys been together

Kate: ah well 2 years

Lucy: best 2 years of my life

Kate: me too

Nick: that's cute

* they all eat and enjoy conversations*

Kate: okay that was so good

Lucy: agreed damm

Jane: when you next come to hawaii we should take you to a place we love

Kate: yeh you'll die

Lucy: legit it's so good

Jim: cheers to this being a new thing whenever we all in the same city

Jane: cheers to that

*back home*

Jim: that was fun

Jess: agreed * kisses him* I love you so much

Jim: I love you too

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