How it started ( Julie pov)

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Oh god, tommorow is the first day of my offline classes after 2 years of lockdown in india. I am not too excited though because I have social anxiety and I hate showing people my face so j always wear a mask everywhere I go, I am also going to wear a mask tommorow at school off course.
I have a habit that I like to talk to my closed ones before anything new. I don't have a much big family, I have a father and a sister along with a dog, you guys must me thinking that I have a perfect life but it's not true because my mother died few months ago and my sister is 12 years older than me plus she is is doing MBBS currently that means she is going to become a doctore soon, I have a father who is an officer so I am kinda privileged from birth [you guys must be thinking that I'm spoiled but I'm not and it's true] my father has always been an absent dad when affected my mental health a lot.
Back to present, I was sitting in my bedroom when I thought that I should have a chit chat with my dad about my tommorow's school so I stood up and went toward my father's room, I slowly opened the door and found him sitting on the chair looking at some papers so I just sat on the bed in front of him and said "tommorow is my schoollll I don't think wheter I will make any friends or not hahaha" which came with no reply "papa?" "I will talk to later I'm busy"
Hearing his reply I just slowly went pit of his room and just made myself feel stupid in front of my father. So I did the only thing which I could have don't at that time 💫sleep💫.
Next day happened to be my school day, 6th april 2022 I made a new a friend in my school going car and her name was navakshi, I found her annoying from the start but I just stucked to her through out the start but I middle of the classes she happened to be in another section but we used to get our hindi classes together so that was the only time that I had a friend but It was not that bad for me.
The first week went by and I made some new friends named prachi and toshani and we became a trio. Days went by and everything at school was going very good but on 12th april a boy named Ryle came into out class along with a friend during the class prayer, they got a daily duty to come to our classroom during class prayer for monitoring and honestly i didnt even noticed him separately until on 18th April I got a follower from Ryle and I followed him back, I commented 'aren't you the guy that comes in our class for monitoring' and he responds very quickly saying yes and soon he told me to come to the chat so I did.
We started talking on the chat, we used to talk like friends and not much. I could never tell my father about him do I kept it as a secret and only my friends knew about him and my sister.

 I could never tell my father about him do I kept it as a secret and only my friends knew about him and my sister

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2023 ⏰

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