Chapter 3: The Slytherin Princess

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Sebastian and Anne step off the train, being the first ones to disembark. Alya quickly follows suit, scanning her surroundings in search of the Gaunt boy. However, her diligent search proves futile, causing her to release a frustrated sigh.

Sebastian turned towards her, "Whom are you searching for?" he inquired. Alya blushed and displayed an embarrassed expression as she replied in a slightly cracked voice, "Nobody!"

Raising an eyebrow and adopting an incredulous expression, Sebastian asked again, "Are you sure?" Disappointed, Alya responded, "Yes, I'm sure."

Anne quickly understood the situation, realizing that Alya must be looking for an acquaintance. She reached out with both arms, grabbed Alya, and reassured her, "Whoever she is, she probably boarded the carriages. Maybe you'll find her at the castle." Anne accompanied her words with a warm and reassuring smile, offering solace to Alya.

"Who are you two discussing? What did I miss?" Sebastian, with a small laugh, asked, "Well, if you're looking for someone, just say yes, and we'll help you find them, whoever they may be."

Anne let go of Alya, turned to Sebastian with frustrated eyes, and retorted, "You're welcome, Sebastian!" Sebastian, still smiling, added, "If you are indeed searching for someone, just let us know, and we'll assist you in finding them."

Alya responded with a grateful smile, "Thank you. Let's make our way to the floats; it's getting late."

Anne playfully nudged Sebastian as they walked towards the floats and remarked, "We wouldn't be among the last ones to disembark from the train if someone hadn't fallen into a deep slumber."

Sebastian turned to his sister, sporting an annoyed expression, and exclaimed, "Asleep? I simply accepted a muffin from the third years. I had no idea they were pulling a prank on me and spiked it with a sleeping potion."

Anne burst into laughter and playfully pulled Sebastian by his arm with both hands - "Hahaha, let's just say you received a welcoming hazing."

Inside the grand dining room of the castle,Headmaster Nigellus scanned the room, searching for his daughter amidst the new arrivals. Spotting Alya in the distance, accompanied by two other students, he hastened towards her.

"Ah, there you are!... Hurry up, for you shall be the first to be examined," he urged. Casting an indifferent gaze upon his daughter, he adjusted her small glasses and smoothed down her braids. "Remember not to bring shame upon your father," he remarked.

Disappointed by her father's reception, Alya let out a sigh and replied, "Yes, father."

Observing Alya's crestfallen expression, Anne and Sebastian exchanged glances. Sebastian leaned towards Anne, whispering in her ear.

"Seems like it's not a loving family."

Anne, wearing an incredulous expression, subtly nudged Sebastian's stomach.

"You still have much to learn about tact and courtesy." Anne hoped their whispered conversation would go unnoticed by Alya.

Approaching the podium, Nigellus positioned himself in front of the assembled students. "Order, please," he commanded. All eyes, both familiar and new, turned towards their new headmaster.

"As you are all aware, I am your newly appointed headmaster, Phineas Nigellus Black," he introduced himself, his tone carrying a hint of disdain. "I once served as a professor here at Hogwarts, an experience that I found less than enjoyable."

A profound silence filled the room, interrupted only by a cough from a Hufflepuff student.

Phineas, donning a sophisticated smile and exuding an imposing and self-centered demeanor, realized the lack of reaction from the students to his introduction.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2023 ⏰

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