Baby has arrived!

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My parents told me I was gonna have a baby brother.I wasn't thrilled,I liked being the only child.I didn't like the idea of having less attention.My mom always took me shopping for baby items.I didn't want to be a part of the baby's necessities,like giving it food,changing his diaper,putting him to sleep.A baby felt like a lot of work

Soon enough 9 months passed and my mom was going into labor.My dad and I rushed my mom to the hospital at two in the morning.The doctors took us in and my dad took me out of the room to wait outside I was exhausted,I didn't get much sleep.A doctor came up to me and said "Been in the same position you are,waiting outside for a new beginning.".I'm sure a lot of people relate to me in the hospital so I didn't really care. "Is it a sister or a brother"he asked, "Brother."I said. "Brothers are probably the best thing you can have as a boy"he said. "Really?!" I said in a good mood."There are two types of girls,the annoying one or the popular girly one.".He continued. "But with a brother you can raise him yourself if you wanted to,show him video games that you liked and he liked playing with you,showing him same shows and movies you grew up watching so he gets the same experience."he said. "Really?!Wow I'm really excited to have a baby brother."I said. "If you want to show him everything you love,you have to wait and be patient when he's at the appropriate age,his little hands won't be able to fit on a controller."he said,"I understand"I said.

"Tim it's time to meet your baby brother!"my dad said. "See you around Tim"the doctor said.I went in the room while my mom was holding the baby. "Can I hold him mom?"I asked,my mom agreed and gave me the baby carefully. I went to sit down by the bench in the rooms looking at his face and body.I realized he was putting his tiny hand on my crotch,but I didn't say anything,I thought he just wanted to know me and what gender I am. "What's his name?"I asked, "Me and your dad decided to name his Theodore or Ted Jr"my mom said. "Hello Theodore"I said quietly with a smile.

We got to bring the baby home,during the car ride back home while my mom was holding Theodore with her hands "I surprised they let us go with the baby,with Tim they had him for two days then we picked him up.I wasn't listening to them I was just thinking about all the things we can do together. When we got home my mom put some cute pajamas on Ted and we all went to sleep peacefully

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