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They were working on clearing up an accident when it happened. It hadn't been a bad one, the extent of the injuries being a broken wrist and some air bag burns. Still though, there'd been three separate cars involved that they now needed to move out of the road and make sure they weren't a hazard.

It was mindless work, they'd honestly cleaned up so many accidents at this point. Eddie was working with the tow truck driver to move the actual vehicles, Bobby was directing them all while handling the police and the last of the witnesses and those involved who were uninjured. Hen had gone with the man who'd had a broken wrist to transport him to the hospital. It was a minor injury though, and Straya was already driving, so that left Chim with him to sweep up all the glass that'd shattered over the edge of the street and the sidewalk.

It was easy work, but it still took some degree of focus, so that was probably why he didn't recognize her first. Hell, he didn't even know there was anyone to recognize until a voice called out to him.

"Evan?" A female voice asked from behind him, tapping his shoulder, "Is that you?"

That wasn't a name he'd been called in a while, so it was a bit jarring to hear it in the middle of the street. He turned and looked up to see a woman standing in front of him, and then it all made sense. After all, she hadn't known him by any other name.

"Rachel? Holy shit!" He said, grin overtaking his features, and a similar grin took over hers, "I haven't seen you in forever! It's been.."

"Years!" She finished as they both moved forward into a hug.

She was right, it'd been close to a decade since he'd last seen her, since he'd last been in Virginia Beach specifically actually. He'd missed her though, they might've been friends with benefits all those years ago, but she had been one of the few times where the friends part had outweighed the benefits in their relationship. They'd still hooked up plenty, but they'd also spent a good amount of time just hanging out, playing video games on her shitty couch or going out to bars and clubs. She'd even spent months teaching him how to surf.

"What're you doing in LA?" He asked as they pulled back from the hug, "Are you on vacation or something?"

"No, I live here actually." She told him, "For a year at least. They needed swim instructors and were willing to cover housing along with wages. I always did want to check out the West Coast."

She wiggled her eyebrows at that and Buck laughed, "You mean you always wanted to check out the waves on the West Coast." He corrected.

She laughed at that, holding up her hands in mock surrender, "Ah, you got me there!"

"Have you gotten to go surfing yet?" He asked, curious to see what her assessment was. Rachel had always had strong opinions on the surf in the different areas she'd visited.

"Not yet, I actually just got here a couple days ago, so I've mostly been moving in and getting set up at work. You know adult stuff." She wrinkled her nose playfully.

"Damn, look who grew up." He chuckled, "Last time I saw you, the beach would've been your first stop. Uhaul in tow and everything."

"I know!" She laughed, "I'm so old now. And look at you too, no more bartending, you're a firefighter now. You've got a grown up job and everything!"

He laughed at that, "Yeah you're right, look at us. Two whole adults."

They both chuckled at that, and the conversation sort of hit a bit of silence, neither of them entirely sure how to proceed. It was Rachel, who was still as bold as he remembered apparently, who broke it though.

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