What has happened to the past

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* Friday Night, in Maka's room*
* thinking*My life is falling apart first my friends are avoiding me and Soul has a girlfriend. In the past we always did stuff together, me and my friends, but now they are being distant and even Soul. Did I do something wrong to them? I just want to die, it seems that my friends are much more happier without me. Maybe I should die.
*Maka grabs a knife from under her bed*
I had this knife just in case if someone breaks into the apartment, but I guess I can use it for other reasons and Soul is not home, he is on his date with Melissa ( not my name just some random name) so I have know one to stop me.
* She puts the knife to her chest, but then stops* You know what I will just let myself suffer untill I die
*So she cuts both of her wrists, watches the blood come out, and licks some of the blood away* Then I hear " Maka I'm home!!!" Then I put the knife back under my bed quickly, and I started cleaning the huge blood stain in the floor. Then I hear his foot steps getting closer to my room. "Maka? You here?" He was comming to my room, I was about to go run up and lock the door but it was too late. He stared at the blood stain on the floor and my bloody wrist, wide eyed. I stared at him wide eyed too, then he said " MAKA ARE YOU OK, WHAT HAPPENED!!!?!?!" He ran up to me took my wrist and draged me to the bathroom. Then he took out the first aid kit and started cleaning my wrist. We stayed there quiet, untill he said " Aren't you going to tell me what happened?" I stayed quiet for a while trying to find an excuse, then I said " I was cutting food for dinner and I accidentally cut myself." I lied, he said " Ok just be care full next time" So I whispered " Like you even care"
He heared me mumbling something and said " What" I said " Nothing". After a while he was done, so i just went to bed. And I said in my head lucky tomorrow is Saturday.

Soul's POV
Maka was acting weird but whatever if she says shes fine then i should believe her, I'm just happy that i broke up with my girlfriend Melissa

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