Staying Alive

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"How could we let this happen?" Yazmina asks as the group is watching Big Eatie and Pierce fight.

"What's going on? Why isn't Darius stopping this?" Sammy asks as Kenji and Brooklynn come over.

"There was a bunch of BRADs. We had to take cover." Kenji says.

"We lost sight of Kash." Brooklynn says.

"Oh no. Darius." Alexis says in alarm as she looks at the building.

"What can we do? Big Eatie and Pierce are gonna kill each other." Sammy says in horror before everyone looks at brooklynn.

"The drones are forcing them together. Split up. We need to knock 'em out of the sky so Pierce can get away." Brooklynn says as everyone splits up.


"Just a bit more. Whoa!" Alexis says as she is trying to hit a drone with a branch in a tree before nearly falling only for Kenji to catch her and pull her back up.

"Okay we are not trying that again. Alexis I said we-" Kenji says as he sees Alexis climbing higher.

"Kenji you know how this argument plays out by now. Besides we can't quit. We gotta keep trying." Alexis says as she stops and looks at Kenji.

"Fine but don't fall." Kenji says as he follows Alexis up higher into the tree.

"Yes! finally got one." Alexis says as she hits a drone with her branch before Pierce goes down as the group sees Big Eatie go over to him before seeing a drone stop Big Eatie and force the dinosaurs apart.

"Wonder why he stopped them." Sammy says as everyone goes over to each other.

"Guys look." Alexis says as the group sees Darius with Kash.

"At least he's alive? For now." Kenji says.

"Where is he taking Darius?" Brooklynn asks.

"Mae might know where they went." Yazmina says as the group leaves.


"No! I'm sorry. This is just... Big Eatie's already been through so much and I practically raised Pierce. And now Darius is stuck with that monster." Mae says.

"I get it believe me. But they're tough okay? They'll get through this." Ben says.

"There's an underground med bay. I didn't have access. Probably because Kash is doing horrible things he didn't want me to know about. And on top of everything else now he has my research. How could I have been so naive?" Mae asks angrily as she looks at her tablet.

"We need another way to get in." Brooklynn says.

"Any of the feeding platforms should get you down to the lower level. The next feeding is in the desert." Mae says.

"With the saber-toothed tiger?" Ben asks.

"So not, not dangerous." Yazmina says as everyone looks at Brooklynn.

"We go get Darius. No matter what." Brooklynn says as she stands up.


"Guys? I know we're in a desert but it feels like it got way hotter all of a sudden." Sammy says.

"Oh it did. Of course that's our luck." Alexis says as she is panting.

"So how do we get onto the saber-tooth's feeding platform without being dessert?" Yazmina asks.

"We have to time it just right. We'll hide nearby and after the tiger eats and leaves we jump on the platform before it goes back down." Brooklynn says.

"Good plan chief." Kenji says before Alexis stops.

"Everyone hold for a sec." Alexis says as she shifts to wolf form and sniffs the air.

"What's wrong?" Kenji asks.

"We're not alone." Alexis says before a giant dinosaur with a large spine appears.

"What is that?" Brooklynn asks before the dinosaur roars.

"No idea but it's not friendly. Run!" Alexis shouts as the group runs.

"That's new." Brooklynn says.

"What is that thing? I didn't know they made 'em that big!" Sammy shouts.

"Come on! In there!" Brooklynn shouts as the group runs into the cavern through a small entrance.

"It can't get to us in here. Right?" Sammy asks.

"It's too big to fit through the entrance but there's still- This keeps getting better. Run!" Kenji shouts as the group sees the tiger and run only to run into a dead end.

"Anyone got any bright ideas?" Alexis asks before the group sees the tiger as it then tries to lunge at the group only for the other dinosaur to burst its head through the rocks and grab the tiger.

"Come on. We have to make it to the platform before it lowers." Brooklynn shouts as the group makes a run for the platform only to get there too late.

"Great. Now what?" Alexis asks.

"The next one won't be here for hours." Yazmina says before Brooklynn jumps down the platform opening.

"Come on! Hurry!" Brooklynn shouts before the group jumps down the opening.


"The med bay should be straight ahead." Brooklynn says as the group runs into the med bay before seeing Darius.

"Darius!" Sammy says the group happily reconciles with Darius before hiding behind crates.

"How'd you make it down here?" Darius asks.

"Brooklynn. It was dicey for a minute but she got us out of it." Kenji says as Alexis nods.

"What happened?" Alexis asks.

"I was about to stop the fight but the phone was right there. I'm sorry. I wanted to get us all home but Kash caught me and now we're still stuck and the dinosaurs are hurt real bad and-" Darius then gets cut off by Brooklynn.

"Darius. It's okay. You did what you thought was right." Brooklynn says.

"But it's like you said. We're the only ones who can help the dinosaurs here. We have to stay." Yazmina says.

"On that note we should get out of here before psycho killer comes back." Sammy says.

"I second that motion." Alexis says.

"Wait. Kash is planning on using Mae's language to control the dinosaurs." Darius says.

"He's planning on doing what?" Alexis asks in shock.

"How?" Sammy asks.

"Don't know but it's got something to do with these chips. Guys I know it sounds nuts but I think the only way to find out how to stop this is if-" Darius then gets cut off by Brooklynn says.

"You stay here." Brooklynn says.

"Darius that's crazy." Alexis says.

"Look if I run now he'll hunt me down and find the rest of you. But if I'm on the inside..." Darius says.

"You can find a way to get us information. Then, we can do whatever we can to undo Kash's plans. It makes sense." Brooklynn says.

"Ah! It's crazy. He tried to kill Mae. He'll do the same to you." Ben says.

"He hasn't yet." Darius says.

"No. No way. No way. We stick together. No one gets left behind." Kenji says.

"Guys he's coming back. We have to decide like right now." Sammy says as the group hears the elevator.

"I'm staying." Darius says sternly before Alexis says.

"Darius we'll be okay guys. I don't like it but I trust you Darius just be careful." Alexis says as the others look at her before Darius smiles.

"Thanks Alexis. Now you guys get out of here." Darius says as the group reluctantly leaves him.

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