when we met

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Shoto was walking around at night the sky was filled with starts and the moon soon shoto approach a tree and he did sidded that he should probably take a nap since he has been walking for about 29 hours and his lags was giving up on him so with the energy he had left he walked to the tree and as soon as he made it to the tree he fall against the tree and fell asleep when he woke up his eyes open to be meet with the bemming sun he got up and rubbed his eyes and then he looked at the sky trying to see which way he should go soon he did sidded that he was gonna go south so he keep waking until he fall into a portal and he screamd, WTF IS THIS SHIT AHHHH,then he blacked out when he woke up he was on the floor so he opened his eyes to see he was in a big room that he was not familiar with so he got up and looked around the room soon he heard the sound of heavy foot steps coming his way so he pulled out his knife,

I was walking to my office when I seen a boy with purple hair passed out on the middle of the street and a car so i ran as fast as i can and grabbed him i sigh and looked at him before realizing that he was dressed weird then i realized what was happing"shit"i said before i ran to my house and as i ran i my house i approached my front door I put my face where the scanner was and my door opened up I quickly bought him up stairs to my bed room and layed him on my bed before i grabbed my phone and called shu"shu shu answer the phone you fucker!"

SHOU POV:I was woken up to my phone and I looked to see it was vox and I answered"wtf do you want vox I was in the middle of the best dream

VOX POV: remember when you said you had opened a portal to another dimension to see if anyone or thing would come out of it?!

SHU :yeah what about it did anything happen?!

VOX: yeah so guy was passed out in the middle of the street passed out!

SHU: ok okay I'm on my way!!

Narrator:okay so I just wanted to say that this will not be the last part and it's 4:56 where I'm from I'm I'm going to bed see y'all in the morning!!

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