Chapter 6: Doom

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The two men, both alien and human, watch each other directly in their eyes, ready to make contact and conflict. They ready themselves, charging their Ki, creating violent auras of death and energy. What incredible power! But, enough sucking their dicks. Let's see their power in action! Eggman charges towards Black Doom, hitting him with a two-piece combo with a poke to the eyes and a kick to the third one. Finally, he ends the combo that is not actually a two piece by pulling his... horns? I think those are horns. I dunno. He rips Doom's Eye off of Doom and throws him off the platform within the dark Black Comet. Black Doom is, obviously, furious. He swiftly strikes Eggman with a purple boomerang blade of death, which cuts off some of Eggman's mustache, with Eggman proceeding to smash the lord of the Black Arms into the platform.

– Gah! What a fool! I will eradicate you without a second thought! – said Black Doom

– Idiot! You have tried and tried, but you CANNOT defeat me! For I am the Eggman! – said Eggman

With his genius tactics, he proceeds to do the rump shaker, with his ass giving him the launching distance to then dash into Black Doom and hit him with another combo. He kicks him in the chest, launches himself into the air, grabs his head and spins him around. Then, he throws him into the air, takes off his glasses and fires out eye lasers at him. They somehow magnets him towards Eggman, with Robotnik proceeding to headbutt Black Doom in the chest and launching him away into the ceiling.

– Hmph. You have done well, Gerald's blood. However, it ends here! – said Black Doom

The dark alien lord raises his hand into the air, sending down a lot of flaming meteorites into Robotnik, with the latter trying to dodge the flaming rocks furiously. He was thinking of a way on how to solve his conundrum... And has a little idea. He jumps onto and bounces off a wall, charging a blast with his feet to propel himself into Black Doom. He grabs his opponent's head with his legs, and throws him back into the wall. Then, Eggman performs a bicycle kick, kicking Black Doom into the wall multiple times, mutilating his corpse all over the wall. However, that triggers a reaction. With the sheer power exiting Black Doom, it creates an explosion of great proportions, destroying the comet and knocking Eggman out of the exploding asteroid. He opens up his vagina, with it firing out a red beam which propels Robotnik back to Planet Emutsu. Ivo Robotnik lands safely to the planet's surface, closing his vagina. As he lands, people congratulate him and make him bask in their glory. As the people place Robotnik down on the ground, he is approached by a man with light green, curly hair and bushy beard with a red cape and a pink shirt.

– Greetings, Doctor Robotnik! I am the Emutsu president, Emto! – said the FUCKING PRESIDENT?! OH GOODNESS!

– It is rather nice to meet you, Mister Emto. I would like to ask you something. – said Eggman

– Why, we would be grateful to provide our savior with whatever he desires! It would be our pleasure! – said Emto

– Well, it is a rather simple request. An evil Saiyan named Paragus Paragasu has declared himself the new Emperor of Space, just like Frieza of the Cold Clan! And I would like to give him my own brand of justice. So, please, allow me to own a laboratory and a permit to construct weapons on this planet. I would greatly appreciate it. - said Eggman

– Why, we would be honored to assist such a hero! Of course, you will be provided with a laboratory befitting your liking and a permit! Please, allow us to accommodate you for the remaining days until the laboratory is built. – said Emto, grateful for his planet being saved

With all that guaranteed and promised to him, Eggman can only think of one thing for those fools. They will soon face their doom at his hand. Once this planet's use runs out... He will destroy the inhabitants and take it for himself. And thus, he shall create a new species to repopulate it. But how will he name it? Eggman's robots? Too bland and unoriginal. Badniks? He'll use that later. Eggtsunians? What? He's not going to mechanize them or anything. No, the name he'll pick for his new species is... Machine Mutants.

With the vile Black Comet destroyed and the dastardly Black Doom blown up into nothingness, all that remains for Eggman is to take over the planet and rule over it with an iron fist. And, of course, create a new species of robots, the ultimate beings which will be able to conquer and rend his enemies asunder! What will be of the innocent planet Emutsu? What will happen to its inhabitants?! And will the good doctor's actions, perhaps, backfire right into his face?! Find out next time on Oviparity of Ivo!

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