Part 2 - The escape 

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All the same warnings as part one and now let's start

3rd person's POV: this when on for 2 years until Izuku had enough

Age 8 Izuku's POV: As i was walking home from the grocery store (with one bag of food) I bumped into someone ,and fell back. "Oh no i am so sorry i wasn't looking where i was going my apologies sir" i had said shutting my eyes tightly expecting to get hit, but instead "huh, oh no it was my fault ,i should of moved ,and not have been on my phone, but are ok you took a tumble" the man said. I had looked up and saw it was ERASER HEAD?!?! "YOUR ERASURE HEAD!!!" I had yelled. He looked at me shocked. I had then realized i was going to be late to get back home,( his 'father's' house is 35 minutes away) so I quickly got up and bowed and grabbed the grocery bag and started to jog so it wasn't suspicious of me running.

Aizawa's POV:
As i was on my way to the cat cafe for coffee on my break from UA, i had look up to see i bumped into a kid. "Oh no i am so sorry i wasn't looking where i was going my apologies sir" the kid had said but something was off it was like he was scared or something I mean he had his eye shut tightly. "Huh oh no it was my fault, i should of moved, and not have been on my phone, but are you ok you took a tumble" i said as i went to help him up. He had open his eyes and yelled "YOUR ERASURE HEAD" i was shocked that someone recognized me as i am an underground hero. As i was thinking he had got up and bowed which was weird cause he looked panicked but tried to hide it. He then jogged away before I could say anything. I had continued my way to the cat cafe and got my usual coffee. I had sat down still thinking about the kid. He had a bag the looked like a grocery bag from the store next to the cat cafe but why would a kid that looked around 8 be shopping by himself.

Izuku's POV: when i got to the house i saw that i was 2 minutes late. I open the door hesitantly as i walked in a knife was thrown at me and hit my neck making it bleed but it was to deep so I was ok tho it might leave a scar if I don't clean it soon. I look up to see my 'father' drunk and he started to scream at me saying " YOU DAM BRAT YOU ARE LATE DID YOU SNITCH ON ME I BET YOU DID" he then grabbed the bag out of my hand ,and punched me in the face the his other hand/fist. He used his quirk and brunt my stomach as he punched me over and over again i was just able to breathe but it hurts like hell. He grabbed the knife and stabbed me in the back and pulled it back out, i bit my lip in order to keep myself from screaming in pain. He was laughing maniacally as he started stabbing my arms and legs. I was crying but 'father' just continued. After about 4-5 hours 'father' said "Clean this up you brat" as he walked away. I was about ready to pass our but cleaned up all the blood on the floor and walked as best I could up to my room. I went to my bathroom and grabbed my bandages and bandaged all my injuries as best I could, then I grabbed my bag and started to put my clothes, first aid kit, and some money i was able to steal from my 'father'. Once i had everything in my bag i went to the window and disconnected the alarm that was on it. I had also let my wings out so i jumped out and started to fly not turning back once. I had decided to go to the forest and got to my spot and house (the same from part one). I unpacked my bag and went to bed or at least tried to.

The next day

Age 11 Touya's POV: as i was waiting for Tenko and Izuku at the pond in front of the school i was thinking about how Izuku aways has different injuries but he never says how he got them. Dad(Endeavor) told me he do anything because he can't accuse people for thinks that could not be true.  " Good morning Touya" said a voice behind me as they tapped my shoulder, it was Tenko. We started talking as we waited for Zuzu (Izuku) for 5 minutes before we went to class but i have a bad feeling that something happened and I could tell Tenko is also worried.

Age 10 Tenko's POV: i got to school and saw Touya to the pond "Good Morning Touya" i said as i put my tapped his shoulder and we started to talk as we were waiting for Izuku but he didn't show up. "Weird" I thought cause Izuku never once missed a day of school. I walked to my class after separating from Touya as we have different classes. At lunch we met and ate on the roof like aways, we started talking about Izuku as we are both wondering where he is and why he is not at school.

Izuku's POV: I had decided that i will stop going to school and that i will teach myself everything i need to know. But then i would as have to leave Touya and Tenko as well as get a job for food and other stuff.

2 weeks later

As i was walking down the street trying to find a place to work tho i am only 8 years old. I was looking around but then a poster got my attention it was a missing poster of...ME!?!? I know it wasn't father' as he doesn't even care about me. I turned to start walking when someone bumped into me.

Ok that is the end for this part i will post part 3 soon, byeeee

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