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Hey Watt-Fam!
I'm so happy you guys found this book!
I hope you all find it as interesting as I want you to.
I have a few things to say concerning this book and I hope you all respect it.

1. Constructive criticism is allowed. I love seeing them. It makes me better as a writer. Please note that INSULTS are NOT ALLOWED over this book and over comments from my readers.
Please respect my readers!!

2. The location of this book is set in Lagos, Nigeria and there might be some words or slangs that some of you might have problems understanding. I would ensure I explain them properly to you all.

3.Please, please, please and please vote. Your votes help in pushing this book out there to other readers.

4. I do not have any character face claims. Feel free to imagine my characters however you wish to.

5. My main character's mother is a morally grey character so some of you might have mixed feelings about her.
Do not insult her personality.
Just sit back and enjoy the ride or should I say read.

6. This book will be written in first person's point of view. The lead character's perspective to be specific.
There might be a few third person narratives here and there.
This is because I do not want to confuse my readers.

With all these said, I wish you all a happy reading!!!

Do not forget to vote and comment pleaseeeee!

Let's begin!!

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