Chapter 1

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Hello lovelies! I'm basically editing and rewriting my other story, it's going to be pretty different I think, but if you want to read that, it's called Voldemort's Grandson, and is the only other story in my account. I'm pretty busy so the updates are going to be super slow, unless I end up hyper focusing on this. I am switching the order of stuff from my past story a bit, just because I'm still not sure on what ships I want to include in this. Also, just a quick heads up, I'm absolutely TRASH at staying in the same POV of writing(like first person, third person, etc.), so sorry in advance. Without further ado, here is the first rewritten chapter.

Percy's POV:

Despite Annabeth and I breaking up, my summer was going great. Now, you might be thinking "What? Annabeth and Percy broke up?? What is love if not Percabeth?" Please don't question your entire life, it does take up a huge time and is relatively useless. It was a mutual break up, we both realized that we loved each other more like siblings. But do not fret, we are still best friends, and we're even closer than we were when we were dating. We tell each other everything (or at least I tell her everything), and she knows about my basically non-existent love life. And before you ask, no I'm not telling you... yet.

Anyway, that was a while ago. She decided to stay at college in New Rome over the summer. The little bookworm is double majoring, and she didn't want to be there for like 6 years I guess. I'm majoring in marine biology, (fitting right?) so I don't need to stay over summer.

Currently though, I'm flying over Manhattan on Blackjack. I'm on my way to my mom's house, and she's making blue cookies for me. I can't WAIT to get there!

---------------------Time Skip- brought to you by Bob---------------------

When we got close to my mom's apartment, I had Blackjack land in the least busy section of the street. I just hoped the mist covered up the fact there is currently a winged horse in the middle of the street in Manhattan at 4pm on a Tuesday. Oh well, I continued on my way up the stairs of the apartment building.

As I arrived at the door to my mom's apartment, I paused for a moment to fish (pun completely intended) my keys out of my pocket. I put the key in the keyhole and turned it, I tried the door handle but it was locked.

"Omg I'm an idiot" I whispered to myself. My mom had left it unlocked for me, and I had only succeeded in relocking it. Annabeth would be having a field day right now.

I opened the door, and was welcomed by the smell of freshly backed BLUE cookies.

"MOMMMM! I'M HOME!" I yelled into the room.

Walking into the kitchen, I noticed the tray of blue cookies cooling off on the counter. I glanced around quickly, making sure nobody could see me, and snatched one off the tray and shoved it into my pocket. Oh. This is going to leave crumbs in my pants for months. Oops.

"Hey honey!" I turn around, and see my mom. She's leaning against the wall with her hands in the pockets of her sweatpants. She starts walking towards me and I meet her in the middle, sweeping her into a giant hug.

"I've missed you mom," I say with my face buried in her shoulder.

"I've missed you more" She replies, her arms tightening around me. "Tell me what's happened to you, my son."

"It's a long story..."I start, I don't really want to relive the Giant War, but I want my mom to know what happened, and with Paul being at work, now is probably the best time. Mom and I decided that we would tell Paul about my world, but he didn't need to know everything that happened, it wouldn't do him any good. "remember when I left you that message?"

---------Another Time Skip- Brought to you by Small Bob--------------

"Oh my dear sweet boy," My mom started saying, "You just seem to attract trouble. I'm glad Annabeth's been by your side all these years, not just when you guys were dating. Sometimes I think she's the only thing stopping you from getting killed every 5 seconds."

At some point during our conversation, we had brought over the blue cookie tray. I grabbed another cookie and took a bite out of it. "Yeah, I need to get her her yearly 'thank you for not leaving me to die when we first met' gift," I say, chuckling a bit and earning a sharp laugh from her.

"So, anyone new since you guys broke up?" My mother leans forward slightly, her eyes kind.

"Maybe," I begin, a small smile starting to show on my face, "I'm not entirely sure yet."

"Well, whoever they are, I'm sure they are just lovely." My mom answers.

Just then, someone knocked thrice on the door.

Hello again! Soooo, these first two chapters are going to be kinda short, sorry about that. But I promise chapter 3 will be pretty long. Anyway, PLEASE help me figure out what ships to include, because if nobody does I'll probably end up picking at complete random and I doubt that'll go well. As always, lmk if I made a mistake and I'll get to fixing it as soon as I can, thanks!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2023 ⏰

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