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Allie 17:

Tap Tap Tap.

Darkness consumes my bedroom as the tapping noise is soft enough to be quiet but loud enough that it awakens me from my dreams of green candy apples and singing on stage with Robert Plant. I'm buried under a thick layer of duvet, looing over at my clock,

11:55 pm


Confusion racks my thoughts, why am I being ripped away from such a sweet slumber, my nightmares make it hard to sleep. Having a dream is a luxury. Why the hell am I awake? Oh yeah God Damn tapping. Fuck. Reluctantly, I peel back the heavy duvet and look towards the window where the noise is coming from, a silhouette is crouched outside in the shadows.

Am I going to be murdered minutes before I turn 18? Wonderful, hope the funerals nice.

I grab the blade near my bed (Hendrix was a gift from my dad when I turned 10 - she's my pride and joy) in defensive position ready to attack. I hide as the window opens, I breathe steady breaths as I wait for the stranger to enter the room. I wait a few moments...

I launch forward, until I'm eventually on his back, he fights back until I have him pinned beneath me on the ground straddling him, holding the knife to his neck. As I go to question the stranger I hear a deep raspy laugh that sends delicious chills throughout my body... I know him...Fucking hell...

He chuckles, "That was one hell of a welcoming darlin".

He leans over to turn one of my desk lights on, as one of the wires hangs down to the floor. The yellowish glow reveals the most beautiful man on this planet. The warm glow highlights his chiselled jaw, devilish smirk and the most perfect green candy apple eyes I could get lost in and never leave. I suddenly realise I've been staring at him for a hot second, then realise the position we're in, thighs on either side of him as though we're perfect puzzle pieces. Shit.

I blush and scramble to get up, clumsily knocking down my sheets of guitar music. Dean laughs. This man actually laughs, as if this wasn't embarrassing enough. He's slow to get up, then moves to sit on my bed like he owns it. He looks through the random pile of books on my desk ranging from Orwell's '1984' to Austen's 'Pride and Prejudge'.

He looks up at me with his signature smirk, "I knew you were a dork Al but these have too many words".

I huff, whisper shouting, "What are you doing in here Dean? Your room is across the hall".

He looks at me the smirk never leaving his lips.

I look down and fiddle with the strings on my pyjama pants, continuing, "I thought you were on a date anyway with, umm...Becky. No! Carla."

He looks down and chuckles, a sound that will always effect me in the most amazing way.

He looks back up before laughing, "Becky was last week. And no, her name was Nicole. She was boring and she kissed like a fish." We stare at each other for a few seconds then burst into an uncontrollable fit of laughter.

He continues, "Besides I'd rather be with my girl minutes before her birthday."

My heart flutters hearing that, I'm his girl, ME! Could he like me the way I've wanted him too?

I walk over to the bed and sit down next to him crossing my legs beneath me, looking at him. I smile, "Your girl, huh?" I tease hoping to get some reaction, some hint that he wants me in the same way I want him.

He laughs, not a cute giggle, a laugh like I had made the funniest joke in the history of man. What was so funny? Oh my God did I forget to brush my teeth? Was I unknowingly naked? Is he unknowingly naked? No I definitely would have noticed that.

He gathers himself after a few seconds laughing like a baby who discovered fart noises, God he has a beautiful smile. Candy apple eyes meet my own.

He smiles, "Allie you're like a sister to me, of course you're my girl". My heart sinks. I knew we were best friends but I had a chance to escape the friendzone. But sibling zoned, that's another level of rejection. I frown for a second but quickly recover with a laugh.

He shifts closer, looking towards my clock.


"One minute Al", he whispers.

His face is closer to mine. Did he move closer? Am I imagining this? Are you meant to be this close to your so called "sibling"? I think not! His face moves closer, my breath hitches in my throat. My breathing becomes heavy. His eyes dart around my face, eyes, cheeks, lips. What is happening? I want to move closer, desperate to lock lips with the man I have loved for 2 years,

My eyes close against my will as he tucks a stray hair behind my ear, so close his breath is hot on my cheek.

"10 seconds", rasps, moving closer.

I need to breathe, am I breathing?

He moves slightly closer "5" he whispers




"3" he painstakingly continues.


"2". Dean moves so his lips ghost mine, I internally scream for him to smash his lips on mine, to ruin me. He looks to my lips then to my eyes. I want, no, need this man.

He smirks, "1". I close my eyes waiting for the delicious contact I've been craving.

He whispers, "Happy 18th Allie".

I no longer feel his breath, his warmth, his, well everything. The bed dips and I hear him walk out my bedroom door presumably to his own room. I don't want to open my eyes. If I keep them closed then he'll still be here. Alas fantasies must end.

Slowly, I open my eyes, staring at the spot on my bed where he once sat, only to be met with an empty space. The light that once seemed so warm and safe now feels fake and artificial. Disappointment and rejection fills my body, wishing Dean Winchester saw me as something other than his "little sister".

Oh how naïve I was, little did I know where this Winchester rollercoaster would take me.


AHHHHHHHH first chapter. I don't know how I feel about it, If I fully commit to this story it will probably be later in the summer as I currently have ALevel exams at the moment. If you have read this thank you, lets see where the wind takes us is suppose.

- Izzy :)

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