The mission

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Katsuki was on his lunch break in the teachers lounge, he was eating his spicy noodles as he was listening to Deku mumbled. He was used to it but it was still annoying as hell to him, Katsuki was just about to sit down in his chair as he then heard Nezu on the speakers.
"Katsuki, Bakugou please report to my office please." Nezu said that twice before he got off the speakers. Katsuki raised an eyebrow as he was slightly confused, he looked over at dunce face and tape dispenser as the two of them just shrugged. Katsuki sighed as he pushed his chair in and started walking out of the teachers Lounge, he placed his hands in his pockets as he walks through the halls. After about 30 seconds Katsuki arrived to Nezus office, he knocked on the door twice before walking in. Nezu was sipping his tea as he then looked over at Katsuki, Nezu smiled as he sat his tea cup down then told Katsuki to have a seat. Katsuki nodded as he shuts the door behind him and walks towards the chairs in front of Nezus desks. He sat down as he then looks at nezu slightly confused.

"So, what did you need me for?" Katsuki asked as he looks at Nezu, why would he be calling me at this time? Katsuki thought. Nezu folded his hands as he looks at Katsuki. "Well.. There is this new Villain out called "Blood Riot". We don't know anything about this villain, but we know he is strong." Nezu went on and on about, Katsuki scoffed as he then rolled his eyes before standing up. "Don't worry, you know I will beat this wannabe villain" He said with a grin on his face. Nezu sighed as he then nodded, as he watched Katsuki walk out of his office. Katsuki walked out of UA as he then went to go find this so called "blood riot" villain.
It seemed like Katsuki was walking for hours, it was starting to get dark as Katsuki ended up in a alley way. Katsuki had his guard up as he really hated being in dark alley ways like this, as he was walking he heard foot steps behind him. He stopped as he used his explosives before turning around. "Who the fuck is there!? Come out you fucking coward!!" Katsuki yelled as he looked out into the shadows, but seconds letter footsteps started coming out of the shadows. It was Eijrou, Katsuki eyes had widen as he didn't expect this villain to be his old best friend. "Shitty hair!?" Katsuki said out of surprise. "Well.. Isn't it my good friend Katsuki Bakugou? What is someone like you doing here?" Eijrou said as he slowly walked towards Katsuki. "None of your fucking business, Shitty hair" He said as he makes tiny explosions from his hands as he kept his eyes on Eijrou. "Can't we just talk?..~ Don't you miss me, Bakubro?" He said as he slightly chuckled. Katsuki threw a explosive at Eijrou as Eijrou just kept on walking towards Katsuki, Eijrou sighed as he hardened his quirk. "I guess we'll have to fight huh?"

{Word count: 531 }

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