Chapter 6

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Tw: Mentions of S€lf h@rm


It's been almost an hour since the incident happened. I was curled up in the corner, holding my left hand upon my sliced cheek.

I hear the door crack open, I feel the anger bubble inside me.


" Jules it's me Susie...... Are you okay... ? " Susie asked me softly coming in the door

I calmed down quickly
" Yea... I'm fine " I lied

" Julie, Frank told me everything. I know you're not fine..... please tell me the truth.. " She said now sitting beside me, she slid her hand into mine.

I wanted to cry but I've been crying nonstop for a long while now. I feel so drained from Frank and myself. I rested my head onto Susie's chest, I feel her chin resting against my head just like that one night. She pulled me close, it felt nice, Frank used to hold me close like this, but he hasn't recently at all. It sorta felt like a feeling that finally found me again after being gone for so long.

" Susie can I tell you something, but you promise you cant tell anyone but ourselves ? " I said

" You can tell me anything, we've been friends for a while now. " Susie remarks

" I dont want you to think I'm pathetic or something related to that, but " I take off my jacket to reveal my bare arms, covered in multiple slices amd cuts. Susie had the most horrified expression on her face.

" Julie.... " she stuttered

" I just can't go without him he's been in my life for so long and I dont know if I can handle shit anymore. I never got the help i needed, and then... well I fell into this " I said blankly and Despondent.

Susie scooped me back into her arms and held me together than she did last time, it was then silent for a minute.

" I'm sorry " Susie spoke, breaking the silence.

" About what Bubblegum ? " I ask confused.

" About Frank, someone like you deserves so much better. I mean hey he pulled a goddess like you just to be treated like absolute shit. " Susie ranted

I feel myself blushing. No one, not even Frank or any ex I had called me a goddess or anything like that in question.
" You really think I'm a goddess ? " I ask in a flustered manner, as I sit up a bit.

Susie took my hand and pressed it against her cheek, she gently stroked it as well.
" Of course I do, I've always thought that " Her honey-toned voice replied.

Her sapphire blue eyes stared right into my copper brown eyes, her lips were a light peachy pink sorta of color.

I just felt so tempted to lean in for a kiss, just one or maybe more.
I felt Susie slide her hands up my arms and rested them on the side of my neck, my hands slid from her shoulders to her upper back.
I felt our lips finally connect, this was a moment I've been waiting for ages.

We stop and part for a minute then we smash our lips back together, the second time it felt nicer than the first. Susie swapped from cupping my neck to cupping my cheeks, pulling us a bit deeper into the kiss.

Susie's lips felt so soft and warm. We sadly then part once again.

We both were softly panting, still holding each other. Both of us, stared at each other, shocked of what just happened. Susie then moves back a bit.

" Holy shit, did we just kiss... ? " Susie said in a shocked tone.
" Um yea I guess we did.." I replied shocked as well. " Sorry, something just uhhh... "

" Its okay, I get it ! " Susie commented, cutting me off " Umm I'm probably gonna get ready for bed... "

" Did I scare.. you ? " I ask nervously
" No, Not at all.. I promise ! " she perkly answered

" Oh okay... Goodnight Suz " I say
" Night Julie ! " Susie shouts while walking up the stairs

" I love you.... " I murmured under my breath when she was completely up the stairs.

I sit down on a nearby chair, I felt my heart racing.

What Frank doesn't know ( Julie x Susie )Where stories live. Discover now