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Today I couldn't sleep because I kept thinking of home I want to go back to my normal life not this mafia stuff

Why me ? What did I do
I am Nigerian not Italian what's all this

I kept rolling and rolling I couldn't sleep then I left the room

I walked down stairs to get water in the kitchen
Guess what I saw a figure standing quietly outside the kitchen

God I shouted I didn't know when I called maleeks name for help

Maleek !  Maleek !! I shouted
He came close and put his hand on my mouth I couldn't shout nor move because he pushed me to the wall and our bodies meeting each other

Shush calm down it's me
He put on the light and it was actually him

Shatu it's me okay calm down

Uhm uhm I was gesturing him to take his hands off my mouth because I couldn't respond

Oh sorry
Better if u don't take off ur hand from my mouth how do u expect me to talk

Shatu u are beautiful when ever u are angry
Hey get off u are mad

I just wanna go home
But I want u to stay with me

Hey move back
No let's talk here like this

Why do u want me to stay
Because I love u shatu , u complete me

What u are not serious ain't u ?
I am

I don't have feelings for u
A dangerous mafia leader with two kids

No I can't stay with u
But shatu
No buts get off me u are hurting me

He didn't say a word again
He kept staring and eventually he pinned my hands on top of my head

What are u doing stop
I swear I will shout

Do so I would love to hear u shout

I got scared and begged him to let me go it's late please

He leaned closer to my lips and kissed me so passionately

God I never felt that way and at first I rejected but damn he is a good kisser my body betrayed me and I allowed him

Oh my god guys come see this
We immediately parted and I was shy now
Why did they have to come now why

I couldn't stand there and watch them stare and talked about us I left immediately

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