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"So Wesley's big brother was killed by Antonio's acquaintance,Otto?" Wade asked walking down the room.

" Yes Sir" I answered nodding.

" Seems like he has lost a lot of people then" Wade continued stopping beside our interactive board.

" That's why I believe that having him close would help him. He was the youngest person to join the factory and that won't be something any child would be able to handle. He was forced to grow faster than his age." I explained rubbing my face with my palms as I glanced at Wade.

" How about taking him to the hospital?" He suggested walking towards me.

" About that, I was planning on taking him after the meeting. Would my insurance be able to cover him?" I asked hoping that it was possible and not seen as medical malpractice or something.

" I really doubt it'll be possible but do you know what?" He started sitting beside me.

" I'll pay for his hospital bills with my own money and we don't need to make it a big deal. Enough children have suffered. Let's try and make it a better place one step and a time" he continued patting my shoulder.

" Thank you so much Sir, I truly appreciate" I said with complete sincerity.

" It's all good son, just get him to the hospital and do the necessary check-ups then you have the whole week off. Tell Reese he's included in this arrangement" He instructed giving me a gentle smile as he he lead me out of the room.

" Thank you so much sir" I said again as we got to the reception where Reese and Wes were seated.

" Good job both of you, I'm extremely proud" He commended smiling at Reese and I as he patted Wes on the shoulder.

After he went back into the conference room for another meeting, Wes handed me my sandwich and drink.
" Hopefully it isn't too cold to eat" he said giving me a sad smile.

" I don't mind cold things at all, well, I minded it but when you have a job like mine that can make you stop eating half way because of something important, your body gets used to eating anything still digestible." I answered chuckling as we left the building.

" Do you need to get anything for the week?" I asked Reese who was walking behind Wes and I.

" We're coming to work tomorrow aren't we?" He asked confused as we stood in front of the entrance.

" Chief gave us a week off, his form of thanks" I answered winking at him.

" What was the wink for?" He chuckled reaching our pace as he glanced at me.

" There's a child here but you know what I mean" I teased wiggling my brows.

" I'm not a child yunno" I heard Wes mumble.

" You're a kid to me Wes" I replied running my hands through his hair.

" Do we have any plans after we're done with the hospital?" Reese asked as we stopped in front of the hospital door.

" I need to get some things for the house" I answered simply as I brought my phone out to call Theo.

" Seems like he knew we had arrived" Reese whispered as we saw Theo walking towards us.

" Nice color" I commented looking at his pink scrubs.

" Thank you! Sadly the Oncology department got my favorite color" he replied sighing dramatically.

" And what color is that?" Reese asked walking closer to him.

" Purple" He answered shrugging as he smiled at Reese.

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