Discovery or refound?

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Pulling at my hand, I try to cover it up and change the subject. "Why are you asking?"
"Because it's important..." He shook his head. "Please" he continued.

A deep sigh fell from me, I removed my hand and let him look at the two holes in my foot. "Oh sh-..." A cold shiver crawled through my spine. "What's wrong?" I ask, a little worried. "That marking... You've been marked.." He put his hands to his head.

"Marked? What kind of bullshit is that?" Stressing I pull my ankle away. There's no way that I've been 'marked'. And if so, by what? "Okay I know this is hard for you to understand but you need to at least try..."
He whispered to me. I just nodded my head in agreement. "Those cloud things you saw earlier, they're after you. They're basically other dimensions, it's part of a cult that was involved in a ritual many many years ago. The empress wore a necklace jewel which empowered the people to be mindless slaves. It didn't just do that though..."

"But why am I being targeted for something that happened thousands, hell maybe even millions of years ago?" I clasp my hands together waiting for his response. "They're after you because you have been bitten. The thing I dont know is that by what. It could be many different-"

Frustrated with him I look down at my ankle and his voice fades. I was deep in thoughts, it was the wolf, the cult, the ritual. Whatever it was, it wants me and I dont feel like it's a good reason.

"Velocity!" I got broken out of my thoughts.
"Are you even listening to me? " he too, looked frustrated. "Listen to me and dont zone out." I listened, cupping my hands on my chin. "Right." Rolling my eyes, he began to explain. "You had a nightmare didn't you? Something happened, what was the thing that attacked you? What color was its fur?"

I felt overwhelmed with questions. "I think it was a wolf, it had yellow eyes that glowed and..." Searching my memory with any useful facts. "A wolf? Yellow eyes? Anything else? What was its fur color?"

I pondered in my own mind, scouting all my memories. "No, just really creepy.."
"Alright, so from what I've read, you're in your first stages of becoming a wolf. Or werewolf, whatever you want to call them." He smiled a little, a little bit more relaxed than before. "Why are you smiling!? I could been killed or something! What have I done to deserve this?" I acted stressed, but I was concerned.

"Hold on, let me show you something..."
He took off his shirt. "Wait stop what are you doing?!" I covered my eyes and peaked out a corner. A shadowy dust appeared from under him. I covered my eyes completely, embracing myself for what was to come.

I heard a low growl, it was frightening, it was actually kind of soothing. I opened my eyes, a furry creature, wolf like was in the pile of clothes, sitting and looking at me with sparkling green eyes and dark fluffy grey fur. "JESCO!?" I screeched covering my mouth. "You're a wolf? A werewolf?"

The wolf, appeared to be Jesco and it could understand me, nodding his head in agreement. "How do I do that, I wanna be a wolf too..." I looked down at my hands and frowned. Jesco stood up, he was tall for a wolf...

A little voice similar to Jesco's popped into my head.  "You must feel within..."

"Jesco was that you that just spoke or?" He nodded his head. "Well what do you mean, 'you must feel within' ? I clasped my hands and bent over in hope to get a response. He picked up his clothes in his mouth and dragged them to the bathroom. I stayed, not knowing what to do.
I heard footsteps, Jesco appeared, human form, in his clothes. "So you want me to explain a bit more?" He sounded sarcastic. "Sure go ahead. Explain." I tried.

"You might not be in your wolf stages yet but you are in the second stage. This is the one where you get your senses." He began, tapping his head.
I gave a confused look and waited for his response. 

"I really wanna see your wolf, its fur color. You won't tell me what the wolf in your 'dreams' was." He continued.
"I said I don't know..." I lied. "Oh really now?" He took a step closer, his eyes slightly green again. I took a step back in attempt to get a gap between us.  "Why are you stepping back?" His voice sounded darker, lower.

"I uh, I dont know..." I stuttered out. "You're going to corner yourself." He stepped in two times more, cornering me against the wall. What was he doing? "Jesco stop, it's getting a little creepy you know.." I could feel his breaths on my skin.

He was leaning over me, I was panicking. "Jesco?" He didn't show any sign of hearing me. He moved his head towards me, kissing me. I felt warm, how was I enjoying this...

I looked up at him, his eyes were glowing emerald, a smirked appeared at the corner of his mouth. His eyes dulled back to his original hazel eyes.

"I am honestly not even sorry for that, it was amazing... But your eyes, they were... Purple!" He replied to my silent gazing. "What's that mean? And most importantly why did you kiss me!?" Getting my senses back, I rubbed my eyes and walked to the window where light shined down, lighting up the dust particles. I could see them with such detail it almost felt unreal.

His gaze followed me, and so did he. "You know you enjoyed it, I seen it through your eyes. And your thoughts... Your Wolf's eyes are purple and that I haven't ever seen." He placed his hand on my shoulder. "You're legendary." He whispered smiling. "For what? I'm normal... Sort of." I shrug, having no emotion for what's going on.

"Now what?" I ask eagerly. "We wait until its clear outside." He insisted.
I walked through his darkly decorated house, smooth black desks and white walls. "You really did change the house huh?" Dragging my fingers across the desk. "Yeah, I like to keep it simple." He laughed making hand gestures. 

A loud thud hit the roof. I flinched, but Jesco didn't. "What's wrong?" Jesco asked me. Clearly he didn't hear it. He looked me straight in the eyes and could sense what I was trying to say. His smile quickly dropped, he grabbed me and squatted down once again on full alert.

"We're not alone..." He whispered, crawling down on all fours. "Who's there?" I whispered back. "You have to try to be your wolf, its the only way to escape..." Once again but with out taking off his clothes, his clothes shredded and ripped in various places, underneath crawled out Jesco in his wolf form.

A low growl shuddered through my spine, it wasn't Jesco. Feel within, feel within, feel within I whispered to myself and in my head. I felt my bones  move and crack, in horrible pain. Jesco looked at me, encouraging my transformation.

A glittery black and silver dust appeared beneath me. I whimpered quietly holding in my screams.Was this it, can I finally become my wolf?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2015 ⏰

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